Jon - Crow Snow

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The wildling reader stumbles on Jon while hunting.

The wind howls in my ear with snow falling everywhere. I'd convinced my brother Tormind to let me go hunting alone. He's needed more teaching the little ones to train then I am. I've always been better at hunting than he was anyway. I decided to hunt a little closer to the giant wall to spy on the so called Crows by our people. Brother would lose it if he knew I was here.

I get the feeling something's behind me so I draw my sword. Spinning around in my boots I elbowed the person making them fall backwards into the snow. "Who the hell are you!" I questioned the tip of my blade against a man's throat. The stranger has black curly hair and black eyes that hold fear of me threatening him. "I'm Jon, Jon Snow. I don't mean any harm."

"Then why are you here Jon Snow?" I asked slowly moving the blade off his throat a little. He sure as hell didn't look like one of us. Being dressed all in black he's certainly one of the crows. He holds himself up by his elbows stuttering out. "I'm trying to get back over the wall. But I have no food or water and it's still so far." Tilting my head to the side with a chuckle. "So you're seeking shelter until you can get back home?" He simply nods yes staring up into my eyes.

Placing my sword in its holder I hold out my other hand for him, he allowed me to pull him to his feet. "You're not gonna kill me?" He shivers in fear and I catch sight of a sword in his belt as well. "My brother Tormumd would've slit your throat and left you to die the second he knew you were one of those crows dressed in black. Jon raises a brow in confusion at my words when I take a pause. "Lucky for you I'm not my brother, so you get to live."

"I don't have anything to repay you with expect words. So thank you miss..." He trails off following me towards my camp. Pulling my furs around me some more I lightly smiled at the man. "Y/n, Y/n L/n." He smiles back following in the same rhythm as me. "And you don't have to repay me crow. It's my brother who will want information from you." Who knows how my brothers gonna react at me bringing one of our enemies to our home.

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