Tyrion - Misunderstanding

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Request from tyrionsprincess29 on Tumblr. Can you do a tyrion short where he founf out that he is to marry sansa sister. But she dosent know .so shes haveing a panic attack so sansa gose to tyrion to help clam her down and he tells her that he is to marry her not the king.

"I am king, you half wit and I shall marry whoever I like. It shall be a Stark girl!" I heard Joffrey declare before Tyrion slapped him across the face harshly. Covering my mouth with my hands I rushed to my chambers needing to be alone. Slamming my door closed I feel my chest starting to tighten and my heart races. Putting my hands in my brown hair I pull at it trying to calm myself down but it's not working. I knew coming to King's Landing was a bad idea. I should've stayed in thr North with my mother and brothers. Winterfell will always be better than this place. I never should've listened to Sansa.

"Y/n, Y/n, it's me. I saw you running. Can you please let me in?" My sister's voice came through the door before she opened it seeing me curled up in a ball on the floor. She dropped on her knees brushing hair from my face feeling my body shivering. "Y/n, just breathe. It will be okay." Lifting my head up I sniffed through tears towards her. "I should've never listened to you - I- I can't breathe..." She jumped to her feet leaving the room hurrying down the hallway and dragging someone back here. "My lady, what are you - Y/n!"  My ears picked up Tyrion's voice and I start sobbing at the man I actually love. Why can't I be forced to marry him instead of our horrible king Joffrey.

He moved his right hand lifting my head so I'm staring into his green eyes and with his other hand he wipes away the tears. "Just breathe my girl. It's going to be alright-" I cut him off clutching the fabric of his tunic pouring my eyes into his in terror. "I'm to be a prisoner Tyrion. I don't want to marry that vicious boy king...he'll torture me until I die!" Tyrion cups my face in his hands whispering as to not make my panic attack get any worse. "My love, you're not to marry him. You're to marry me." Sucking in a breath I was awe struck at what he said. "What..." He rests his forehead against mine running his thumbs over my face, slowly breathing along with me. "You'll marry me, Y/n...me not him."

Sansa bends down beside us resting a hand to my shoulder slowly voicing. "Joffrey is supposed to marry Lady Margaery. We overhead Tywin talking with Jaime about leaving the guard. He refused so Tyrion is the only Lannister heir." I sniffed a small smile meets my lips that makes Tyrion form a bit one. "I'd never let you or Sansa be forced to marry him. You're the only woman I'll ever intend to marry. I love you, Y/n Stark." He leans forward softly kissing my lips and I kissed him smiling into the kiss. "I'll always love you, Tyrion Lannister."

Comments really appreciated :)

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