Robb - We'll Rule Winterfell Now

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Request from @woah-is-this-real-life Maybe Robb and his wife returning to winterfell for the first time after the end of the war. They got married in the camp during the war.

Placing my hands in my husband's he helped me down off my horse since it was much harder to do it on my own with my pregnant belly now. We had gotten married in his war camp and it suprised everyone that a Stark had actually married a Lannister. I am the middle child between the twins and my youngest brother Tyrion. The wind blows through my long blonde hair and I wrapped my arms around myself feeling the long forgotten cold of the North. "Let's get you and the baby inside before you catch a cold my lady." He slowly leads me inside the castle and into his parents old chambers. Which would now be ours I suppose you could say. Shrugging off my furs I felt his arms wrap around me from behind kissing my forehead softly. "It feels like another world for me to be back here actually married to you." I mumbled turning around so I could lay my head on his chest. "I didn't except that I would be married to you when my family took your father's life in the end. But I'm glad that we're together."

Robb rests a hand to my cheek leaning down and kissing me softly. I smiled into the kiss wrapping my arms around his neck kissing back. Reaching my freehand up I twisted my fingers through his auburn hair he moaned a little until I felt a kick against my stomach. "Huh Robb. It's kicking - the baby's kicking." I gasped moving his freehand over my stomach hoping the infant would kick again. Looking up at him a smile graces his face feeling the thumping against his big hand. Placing my hand over his I smiled chuckling at the feeling. "I know it needs to be a boy but I'm hoping it's a girl. You'll just spoil her rotten I think." He leans down kissing my cheek softly leading the two of us to lay down in the furs on the bed needing to rest from the tires journey from the war.

Laying my head on the pillow I couldn't wait to finally have a child. I was slightly afraid though that I might die in child birth. My mother died giving birth to Tyrion and it broke my entire family to pieces. Robb flipped out his side playing with my loose blonde hair staring at me longingly. "I'm sorry I had to take the throne from your family. But I did spare Tyrion since you said he was your closest sibling. Just know that I love you no matter who your related too." Jaime was banished and Ceresi was beheaded in King's Landing with his sword in revenge for his father. Scooting closer to him I climbed onto his lap as best as I could kissing him deeply. He responded back tracing his hands down my back. "I love you too, Robb Stark. My sister said love was weakness but she was wrong. It is the strength that led me to you my king." He rolled us over hoping to not crush me tickling my sides causing me to squeal like a child that he joined in throughout the night. "And you Y/n Stark are the perfect queen I could have asked for."

Comments really appreciated

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