Tyrion- Lioness Cold pt 2

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Request from tyrionsprincess30 on Tumblr. Hi i was wondering  if you could  do a part 2 to the Lioness Cold ? Where Tyrion  comes back from the north  and he finds out the y/n has got worse then when he left.

Tyrion opened the chamber door kicking off his winter clothes as quickly as he could. Heading over and drinking some wine hoping to get through the cold of the North. He had taken a trip there in the hopes of finding a cure for his wife that the South didn't have. Unfortunately he had no successful luck and a Raven was sent by Sansa that you were worse. Throwing up in the morning and having horrible back pain. He heard the chamber door creaked open seeing you wrapping in the blanket from the bed. You're hair was sticking to you forehead as you croaked out happily. "Tyrion, your back!" He rushed quickly to you leading you back to the bed before he wrapped his arms around your shivering form.

"Tell what is wrong this time, love. Was it something you ate. I'll talk to the cooks in the kitchen at once." He raised his voice about to climb out of the bed until I grabbed his hand stopping him. "It's nothing like that...it's actually a good thing I hope." Tyrion knitted his eyebrows together in pure confusion. He had never heard anyone say a cold could be a good thing. He cursed himself and the old and news gods if you're fever had returned. Yes that had to be the cause he thought, at least that's the one that made the most sense. "Y/n, has your fever returned?" He asked me softly but I shake my head no placing his hand on my stomach hoping he will get the message. Tyrion parts his mouth opened resting his freehand to your face taken back in shock and possible happiness. "Dear, are you - are you truly pregnant?" I nodded my head grinning before he pressed his lips all over my face making me fall on my back in a giggling fit.

Somehow through the attacking of kisses I end up hovering above him. He's laying on his back still grinning like a child getting a present. He lifts a hand pushing hair from my eyes whispering under his breath. "When did you find out, my love?" I leaned down kissing him quickly then rolling so I'm laying to face him on my side. "I found two days after you left. The only other person who knows is Sansa. She took me to see the master." Tyrion intertwined our hands together still never dropping his grin on his face. Scooting over I snuggled up into the crook of his neck sighing in relief. He wrapped his arms around me sighing to, now knowing that you weren't going to die of a cold while he was away. No that you are now carrying the Lannister heir. That you two were going to be having your first child.

Comments really appreciated :)

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