Jaime - Rights to Swords

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Request from tashitash on Tumblr. Dialogue prompt: “you had no right to use it without asking.” (Jaime says it ).

Entering the training yard the sun had yet to rise over the castle of King’s Landing. Moving my cloak to the side I drew a sword that I had stolen from my husband's chambers. Placing it in my right hand I swing the sword around trying to copy the moves I've seen my husband and the other Kingsgaurd knights do in the training yard until a voice makes me stumble. "Why the hell are you out here Y/n?" Spinning on my feet I pointed the blade seeing my husband Jaime Lannister staring at me with a discrutaled look eyeing the weapon in my hands.

"Jaime, I didn't think you'd come here. I thought you had a meeting with your brother." I spoke feeling him glaring at me. Wearing a tunic and some trousers with a sword in my hands. "You know Tyrion he likes to talk but Joffrey decided to be mean to Sansa Stark so he rushed off. Thought I'd come here to practice with my left hand." His smile dropped to his missing hand now a golden hand in its place. "Well don't let me stop you my lord husband." I curtsey to him watching him stride up to me, referring down to the sword I was still holding. "You know you had no right to use it without asking."

Rolling my eyes I groaned in frustration at his words. Jaime always thinks that women shouldn't carry swords but are allowed to play with needles and sew dresses without anyone telling them they shouldn't. "Jaime I'm not just a girl you can win with your good looks. I'm your wife, so I should be able to weild a sword if I want without your permission." He grabs my arm when I start to leave and I assume to scold me like always. "You should've just asked me. We could have been down here together." Once he lost his hand something changed in him that makes me not hate my arranged marriage as much.

Comments really appreciated :)

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