Jon - Knight Freedom

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Y/n Lannister is held captive by Ramsey after her father Tywin sent her North to marry a northern house until Jon saves her after winning the Battle of the Bastards.

I shiver under the fur blankets in my chambers. But not from the cold of the North. Instead of the horror of what Ramswy will do to me come morning. My father has sent me North to marry a house loyal to the Stark's now that Sansa Stark was married off to Ramsey Snow - Bolton after he killed his father and took his family's name. But he found me wandering the castle grounds and now keeps me locked away. Sansa is bruised and vulnerable to him whenever he wants to have rough sex with her. I should have just escaped Kings Landing before Joffrey became King. Maybe I could've escaped this tournament. I've never been mean to anyone, I don't deserve this.

Truth be told I miss my family. I miss Casterly Rock. I'm the middle child of the Lannister siblings. Cersei and I never got along. But Jaime taught me how to hunt and sword fight like a man. Tyrion and I are extremely close so much that he always found a way for me to not be shipped off to a random Lord for political gain in the sake of House Lannister. Guards stand watch outside my door as I weakly climb out of bed in my tunic and trousers with a golden fur cloak wrapped around me. Pulling up my shirt I feel tears come down eyeing the bruises he'd allowed his guards to make. Closing my eyes tightly I can still feel the hot vile breath of his hounds on the back of my neck where he made a point to terrify me if I ever tried to escape Winterfell.

Suddenly I hear the guards drop to the cold stone floor making me grab my sword from my under my bed. Aiming it towards the door I hold it like my brother Jaime has taught me before he lost his right hand. My chamber door gets slammed open for me to see a man with black hair up in a bun, wearing a heavy black winter cloak with clothes like he was once apart of the Knights Watch. A sword drawn in front of him with a concerned face, cuts and bruises clearly new from a war or something.

Ramsey had come last night saying he would win against this bastard and get his wife back. In the victory feast he'd take my virginity from me and I would become one of his whores. "My lady are you hurt?" The stranger spoke lowering his sword to slowly take a step towards me. I shriek my blade shacky in my hands. "Don't touch me. I'll use this on you reguardless of you being one of Ramsey's guards." The man stares at me with his dark black eyes as he puts his sword in his hallster, holding up his hands in surrender.

"Please, my lady. I don't intend to hurt you. I am not one of Ramsey's guards." I  aim my sword raising the tip to his chest, baring my teeth to hold back tears. "Then who are you and how do I know I can trust you!" The stranger parts his lips softly gazing into my Lannister green eyes. My blonde hair knotted and messy with some mud from being beaten in the snow. "My name is Jon Snow. I'm Ned Stark's bastard. Ramsey was killed in the Battle of the Bastards, you're free."

I slowly lower my sword at those last words. Ramsey's dead. I'm free...truly free. He's told me for weeks that no one would save me. That I should just accept I'm too be his and only his prisoner forever. Jon takes a few steps to me once more seeing tears welling in my eyes. "May I know your name?" Blinking away tears I brush some blonde locks behind my ear. "Y/n, Y/n Lannister." Jon gives me a confused look. I remember that I'd stayed away in my own little corner of the castle when the Lannisters rode here with King Robert Baratheon. So my name isn't known by him.

"Y/n. I've come to free you." He breathes as I finally let my sword clang to the cold floor when he gently pulls me in for a hug. "J - Jon..." I shutter against his chest as my hands clutched the fabric of his cloak. "I - I thought - he said he'd never stop hurting me. That I was to be his whore forever. He would've toured me and Sansa until he..."

Jon combs a hand through my hair calming me down. "Ssh Y/n you're here with me. It's just you and me." He gently lifts my chin to look down at me with those concerned yet loving eyes of his. "I won't ever let anyone touch or hurt you again, I promise." He leans down pressing a warm kiss to my forehead.

Finally I wrap my arms around his body once more. Enjoying the gentle and comforting embrace I haven't felt for months since being sent to the North by my father Tywin. "Thank you, Jon. You're my knight. The knight who saved me from a monstrous dog." Jon breathes into my hair holding me still for a little while longer. "You're welcome Y/n Lannister. I'll do it again. Because no one deserves to get tortured...I'll always protect you."

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