Betrayal and Vengeance

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Five hundred years ago, one demon rose through the ranks to take power over the dark hordes: the strongest, the cruelest, Mundus. But Mundus did not rise alone. At his right hand was his most trusted lieutenant, his blood brother, Jude the demon of wrath.

But Jude betrayed him. He fell in love with a celestial spirit, Layla the star. The secret union between the celestial spirit and demon was later found out by Layla's father, the celestial spirit king. He was angry and disappointed with her. As a result, he banished her from the spirit world. Layla was sad, but didn't care as long as she was with her demon husband. Two years later, they became comfortable and lived well in the human world. A year later came a new life, their daughter Lucy. She's a hybrid of the warring celestial and demon races, known as a Nephalem.

"Mama! Mama! Look I made a flower crown for you!" Seven years old Lucy ran to her mother who was sitting at the fountain reading.

"That's very lovely Lucy, thank you" Layla replied as she took the crown from her daughter and places it on her head. Lucy smiled happily.

"Lucy! Time to study!" Her father, Jude calls her.

"Kay!" Lucy ran to her father. "Hey papa, you promised you're going to show me your weapons"

"Yes yes Lucy. After your study, we will go there" Jude replied with a smile.

They went in mansion and Jude began tutoring her. Layla was still reading, but stopped and stares off towards the gate. The air feels fowl, smells like death, the clouds turned pitch black and started raining. Normal people would think it's a normal weather, but not Layla. She knows what this means and became afraid.

"JUDE! They're here. THEY'RE HERE! They've found us!" She quickly ran into the house. She saw Jude carrying his large sword. His black wings spread wide, large horns came out, his eyes turned white and a red aura covered him.

"Papa, mama?" Lucy looked at them confused and scared. She too felt the dark sinister aura and she hated it.

"I'll hold them off. Go!" Jude growled.

"Come here!" She carried her daughter and ran to the back door. Lucy didn't know what was happening, but she knew something bad is coming for them. She could hear monsters growling, breaking the doors and her father killing them. They went through the long hall. Layla got out through the back door with her speed. She passed through the gate and sprinted into the forest.

"Where are we going?" Lucy questioned. She has never left her house, so she's surprised to be in the forest. Her mother didn't answer. She was scared. How did they find them is what was going on in her mind. She felt their presence everywhere. She knew they're surrounded, but kept running and running until she reached a large tree. She waved her arm and the tree opened wide. Layla puts Lucy inside inside the tree. She then brought out a bottle. Inside was a light blue liquid substance. She gave it to her to drink. It tasted horrible to Lucy, but she knew her mother would scold her if she didn't drink it.

"Mama, where are we going? What's going on?" Lucy demanded after she drinking the whole bottle.

"Lucy, listen to me carefully. Stay here. Whatever happens, do not make a sound or leave this tree until the dark presence is gone. Do you understand?" Layla asked. Lucy only nodded. "Remember Lucy, your father and I love you" she kissed her forehead and closed the wood. Lucy did what her mother told her and remain quiet.

Layla ran back to husband only to be surrounded by demons. Her hands glowed bright blue and yellow. She attacked the demons and killed them. She knows her daughter will be safe. The substance she gave Lucy made her mortal, but she still has her Nephalem powers. She did that so that Mundus would never find her. She finally reached her home and saw Jude slaying the demons with his sword.

"Layla! Why did come back?!" Jude shouted. "you need to leave now!"

"Jude, they've surrounded us and you know that" she said.

He growled angrily, but calmed down. "Where's Lucy?"

"She's safe. I've made sure of that" she replied.

Their conversation was later interrupted by the demons surrounding them. Stepping out of the demons and into view is a bald man with red horns. He wore a red coat and a black crown. He was also with a black sword. Jude stood protectively in front of Layla.

"Well well, if it isn't my big bad demon brother having fun with his whore" he glared at Layla. "So you betrayed me, the demon king for this THING!"

"She accepted me Mundus! Gave me a good happy life! Something our father and you couldn't do!" Jude roared.

"Jude you FOOL! I gave you everything! I told you to kill the celestial spirit king's daughter! But what did you do?! You fell in love with her instead!" Mundus roared back.

Before Jude could do anything, Mundus snaps his fingers and black chains came from the ground and wrapped around their body. They both got on their knees and screamed in pain. Mundus came towards Layla with his black sword and grabbed her by the hair. He then places his blade against her throat and looked at Jude.

"Watch how your whore dies in front of you as it is the last thing you'll see in your final moments" after that, he slit Layla's throat. Jude roars in anger and sadness as Layla fell onto the ground and stopped moving.

He glared menacingly at his brother as he approaches him. "After everything I've done for you, you betrayed me for our enemy. I'm disappointed in you" Mundus said. He pierced Jude's heart with his sword as he screamed. He fell onto the ground dead after Mundus removed his sword from his body and left.

"My work here is done" he said. The chains disappeared from their bodies as the demons left.

Lucy felt the dark presence disappeared. She opened the tree and jumped down. She brought out her sword her father gave her and slowly walked to the mansion. When she got there, she gasped at the sight. Dead demons everywhere, her parents on the ground, their bodies disappearing. She ran to them and started crying. She cried harder as their bodies turn to dust. As she stopped crying, she noticed a demon was still alive. She walked up to him and stabbed his hand. The demon groan in pain.

"Who killed my parents?" She growled angrily.

"Parents?!" He said in shock.

"Tell me!" She demanded as she deepens the sword.

"Mundus!" He yelled.

Lucy removed the sword from his hand and chopped his head off. She had heard her parents talking about Mundus before, saying he's her uncle. She looked at the sky in anger and rage. She vowed to kill him and won't stop until he's dead.

After gathering the dead demons, burning them and making a gravestone of her parents, she sets off to whatever comes to her mind.

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