Patty Lowell

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In a another town, Silver Fullbuster was jumping from roof to roof with his demon wolf partner, Ice in the morning. He saw a small bar in an alley. "We're here" Ice said as they jumped down in the alley and reached the bar entrance. Silver opened the door that has a bell which rang. He entered and saw few groups of people drinking, talking and gambling. They went to the bar counter and Silver sat down gaining the attention of the bartender.

"What'll it be?" The bartender asked while cleaning his glass.

"Make it a strawberry sundae" Silver said.

The bartender just stares at him.  "Sir...." He then turns around and arrange the bottles. Silver heard chuckles from the costumers. "This is a bar. It's no place for a kid"

"Oh?" Silver said. "Then I'd expect to smell more alcohol, but the smell of blood is what's assaulting my nose here" the bartender stops what he was doing. "Well, that's fine with me. What I'm interested in is this strange rumor I heard" he noticed the bartender was cleaning bottles.

"They say that somewhere around here there's some outdated, violent bar" Ice explains. "A place where they take someone's life in place of money. I know, pretty scary"

"Forgive me. Royal Straight Flush, is it?" The ice demon asked, but he already knows. "Laying a hand like that will shorten a person's life"

One of the costumers stood up and approached him. "How about I buy you a round!" The man brought out a knife and charged at him. Silver brought out an ice spear and threw it at him. The spear pierced the man's chest. The man growled as he removes the spear from his chest and turns into a demon. The demon tries to pounce on Silver and Ice, but they dodged his attack on time. Soon everyone in the bar turned to demons.

"Okay ice boy, remember this" Ice said as he went by his side. "You and I like to exist, so let's get rid of these demons quick. I got your back cause dying is whack!"

Ice ran towards one of the demons and turned into a big ice shuriken and cuts the demon in half. He turns back to normal and bites another in the neck.

"Ice devil shiver!" Silver chanted as he stomped the floor creating ice spikes everywhere and killing the demons. One demon came from nowhere and grabbed Silver's hand and bit the other hand.

"Not bad Mr Royal Straight Flush" Silver said as he watches his hand dripping blood. He snaps his fingers and demon turned ice. Silver kicked the frozen demon and shattered it. The bartender ran towards the door. Before he could escape, Ice pounce on him and bit his neck off.

"The next time you open up shop, don't forget to add strawberry sundaes to the menu" Silver commented as he and Ice leaves the bar. The bartender stood up and turned into a demon. But before he could do anything, Silver brought out an ice bow and shot him in the head. "Bingo"


I can't believe it! I actually had a conversation with Pinkie. I thought I was going to ignore the guy, but he made me talk with him. No one has ever done that except for Tartaros. The guy doesn't seem scared of me and even defended me. Hope he doesn't annoy me or I'll Lucy kick him into next week. I walked over to the request board and looked all the flyers. "Hmm, they're all boring. Wait, this one seems interesting" I took the flyer and read it.

"Lucy! Which mission did you pick?!" Natsu exclaimed behind him. I almost punched him, but I held the urge.

"Don't shout like that again! I have hearing senses too!" I scolded him

"Oh. So what's the job about?" He asked again.

"The job is to be some kid's bodyguard. All the jobs seems lame so I guess I'll take this one" I said.

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