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"Ommmf" I sat on the seat stiff near the window as I felt my stomach doing summersaults. I can't handle any moving vehicle, boat, rafts. This is the downside of being a dragon slayer. I was sitting beside Patty. Happy was sitting on my lap. Lucy sat across from us looking at the window. There are three people in the train.

"We're almost there Natsu!" Happy cried. I nodded in agreement.

Lucy stared at Patty as she was looking at a picture in her necklace. "Huh. So you can look pretty, too" Patty looked at her. "Is that a picture of some boy?"

"It's my mom! And she's prettier than you!" Patty retorted. "But I don't remember her. My mom got sick and died when I was a baby. That's what my dad said. That's why I don't remember her. This picture of her is only thing I have"

"Wow! She's beautiful!" I turn to see a man standing beside Patty. "Is that your mother? Hey, and you're pretty charming yourself. May I have a seat?"

"Huh?!" I exclaimed inwardly. Lucy glared at the man. "Huh?!"

The man noticed me and Happy and felt bad for me then turns to Lucy. Blood drained from his face as he sees Lucy's glare. "There are open seats all over the place, aren't there?" Lucy asked the man.

Patty stood up and sat next to Lucy. Lucy stares at her with widen eyes. She then fold her arms and closed her eyes. "There! You can seat now!" Patty smiled.

"Thank you" the man said as he sat next to me and I groan in pain. "I hope I'm not bothering you" he asked politely. "Yes you are, even though you don't seem like a bad person"

"It's no bother. But I can't promise you that you'll live long" Lucy said.

The man flinched. Patty, Happy and I looked at her. "What's that supposed to mean?!" Patty exclaimed. Then everywhere went dark cause the train entered the tunnel. The train got out a few seconds later and it became bright again. It was then I smelled blood here. "Really! Why would anyone need some promise like that, just because they sit...." Patty stopped and she screamed. Me and Happy's eyes widened in shock. The man was covered in blood and he fell limp on the floor.

"Natsu!" Happy cried. "He's dead!"

"Good grief. That's why I told you..." Lucy sighed.

I looked at Lucy. "Did she do this? No, I don't smell blood around her so it could be someone's else" everyone else noticed the dead man and screamed. They called the driver to investigate. Patty looked away and kept calling her mother. I wanted to do something, but my motion sickness couldn't let me. Then I noticed a strange smell. "What's that smell?"

"Looks like he was beaten to death" Lucy said.

"Hey! What's going on?!" The driver demanded. I guess they don't recognize her. Cause if they did, they would have put the blame on her.

"This is how it goes..." Lucy starts explaining. "For ten seconds, this train was in the tunnel. In this train, there were eight people, those three, me, this motion sick idiot, the girl, the cat and our dead friend here. First off, the old man didn't do it. And the couple there were making out in the dark. This blue cat don't the power to do it. You can see for yourself how the girl and the idiot are"

"That only leaves you..." The driver said.

"Nope, there was one more person" she said. The strange smell hit my nose again. I looked at the window and saw a monster with four eyes. I tried to say something, but I felt like barfing. "Or to be more precise, one more thing" Lucy continued. She brought out her guns and start shooting the top of the train's celling. The monster let out a pained cry before it died. Everyone gasped in shock as they saw it at the window. The train stopped moving and I felt better. Lucy stood up and left the train.

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