New Weapons

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"How dare she call my jacket a dirty piece of cloth!!" I growled angrily as I stomped my way to my tent. I made this beautiful jacket with my blood, sweat and love. It's made with demon skin and a portion of celestial magic that enables the jacket to repair itself if torn. I'm in a bad mood tonight, but at least I had some fun. What confused me is the demonic fire dragon slayer didn't come with them. I wonder why? It would have been fun to test my strength against him.

After ten minutes of walking, I finally reached my tent. I went to my bag and brought out a four papers. They are no ordinary papers. It creates a blue barrier that protects my tent and the surroundings, no one other than me can enter this place and they can't remove the paper either. The barrier's only visible when someone tries to get through by force. While I was pasting it on the trees. I sense two demon presences. I knew who exactly it was and continued what I was doing.

"Well, well, look who it is" I turn around to see a wolf with ice on his body. "Nice seeing you again Lucy"

"Well, if it isn't the little doggie" I joked

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"Well, if it isn't the little doggie" I joked.

"I am not a dog!" He growled.

"Really? Seem like a dog to me" I said.

"That's it! I'm gonna kick your butt!" He yelled.

"Ice, enough!" A voice boomed. Ice looked behind him to see the dark hair guy wearing armor. The ice demon knight, Silver Fullbuster.

That's right

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That's right. He's Gray's dad, well not his real dad. Let's say Gray's real father was abusive towards his mother when Gray was a month old. She couldn't take it anymore so she ran away. Her husband went after her and before he could kill them, the ice demon knight came to the rescue and killed the bastard. She saw Silver in his demon form, but didn't fear him. Instead she thanked him. Later Silver and the woman fell in love and he loved Gray as his own son. Sadly Deliora attacked the town they live in and killed the woman. Silver faked his death and joined Tartaros guild to fight against Mundus's demons and protect Gray from the shadows.

"Long time no see Silver" I waved my hand. "Any jobs for me?"

"No" he said.

"What! Aw c'mon" I grumbled and sat on the floor and pouted.

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