The Demonic Fire Dragon Slayer

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Igneel was flying back to his usual cave after defeating and killing the strongest fire demon ever known, stronger than the demon king himself. He groan in pain as he lay down weakly. He had deep cuts everywhere. His magic was almost drained and he couldn't see properly. The battle between him and the demon was intense. The demon challenged Igneel to a death match. He wanted to kill him so he could be the new fire dragon king. He looked like a human but different. He wore a black jacket with white pants. At least half of his face was covered in black and he has long red arms with claws.

Igneel and the demon fought for days, destroying lands in the process. When the fire demon knows this fight wasn't going anywhere, he transformed into a huge black demon resembling a dragon. He beat the fire dragon king to a pulp. He almost killed him, but Igneel got out of the way in time. Igneel outsmarted the demon and killed him. But before Igneel could leave, the demon's magical energy left his body and got into Igneel's body. He was confused, but decided to shrugged it off and left. Now he lies down and falls asleep hoping he gets his strength back.

When he woke up, he felt so much better. His wounds were healed. His magic energy was revived. He noticed he felt stronger than before and different. He left his cave and went to the near by lake. He looked at his reflection and gasped in shock. His appearance has changed. His eyes were red, his red scales has turned black. He didn't know what was going on.

So he went to Grandeeney. She told him that he absorbed the demon's magic after killing it. If his body hadn't absorbed it, the magic would have spread across the land and kills anyone within it. Igneel nodded and now realizes he's a different being now. A being that can destroy Acnologia himself. Here's the birth of a new type of dragon. The one mastering the powers of dragon and demon. The demonic fire dragon king.

Many years later after defeating the fire demon and the black dragon Acnologia, he was feared by all dragons because of his power except for a few. He was flying around looking for food when he came across a burning small town. He saw demons killing people there and when they saw him, they all ran away in fear. He landed on the ground and looked around the area.

Seeing there was nothing that can be done, he decided to leave when he heard crying inside a burning house. He put out the fire and removed the roof. He saw two dead people and a crying baby warped around in a blanket inside a cot. He brought out his hand and carried the baby out. Igneel examine the baby. The baby has pink hair and black eyes. He saw a name written on the blanket saying Natsu Dragneel. The baby stopped crying and smiled at Igneel. Igneel smiled back at the child and decided to take him in. With that, he spread his wings and flew off.

Eight years later, Natsu Dragneel has grown to a young boy. Raised by his father Igneel and trained to be the first demonic dragon slayer in history. He did not only learn magic, he was taught how to read and write. Igneel grown to love the child, the same applies to Natsu.

One day, Natsu was walking around the forest on his free time when he saw a girl from afar. She has blond hair, her eyes was chocolate brown and she has a demon arm. She noticed him staring at her. She smiled at him before running away.

"Wait!" He called out as he ran to her. But she disappeared, leaving no trace of her. He was confused. He know his mind wasn't playing tricks on him. He later went back to the cave wondering where the girl went.

Two years later, it was time for Igneel to leave Natsu. But he would never leave his son in the forest by himself. So right now, the dragon is flying trying to find a good place he would place Natsu in. Natsu on the other hand was sad with the heartbreaking news he was told. He keeps telling himself it's for the best. Igneel gave him a black jacket made from his own scales and has a special kind of magic, so whenever he grows, the jacket grows with him.

While flying, he spotted two figures in the woods. One is a short old man and the other is tall muscular man. He saw a guild mark on one of them. It was a symbol of a fairy and judging by the looks of them, they looked like good people, so he landed in front of them.

The tall man got into a fighting stance, but the old man put his hand up, signaling him to stand down. "Who are you?" The old man asked.

"I'm Igneel, the demonic fire dragon king" he introduced himself. The two men were surprised and had a little fear in them since they've heard of Igneel before, the first and only demon dragon. "Now, who are you?"

"I'm Gildarts" the tall man said. "And this is Makarov, fairy tail guild master" he points to the old man. "What do you want?"

Instead of talking, Igneel lifted his claw up and went to grab something from his back. They stood in silence, waiting for what the dragon was going to show them. Then the hand came down and revealed Natsu. Natsu then jumped from his father's hand.

"Who is he?" Makarov asked, surprised to see the boy.

"His name is Natsu Dragneel. He's my son. Since you're in a guild, take him. He's under your care now" Igneel said. He looked at Natsu one more time and said. "I'm going to go now"

Natsu ran and hugged his leg. "Good bye" he said with tears in his eyes. He lets go of him and Igneel flew off. They watched as the dragon got smaller and smaller in the distance.

"It's alright boy. You're going to be staying with us now" Makarov said. He took Natsu's hand and they started walking with Gildarts behind.

"So he's a dragon slayer" Gildarts whispered as he watched the boy.

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