Fire Raiders

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"Great! Those idiots have decided to follow me! What could possibly go wrong!" I thought sarcastically as I stomped my way to the train station. People moved away as they saw me as usual. Jackal told me to go to stone line town. I hope he knows what's he doing. As I got to the train station, I walked over to the ticket desk and demanded five tickets for the next train to stone line town. The man quickly gave them to me and hid under the desk. I stood by and waited for them. After a few minutes, I finally saw them making their way to where I was standing. Natsu and Happy waved at me, but Gray and Erza glared at me. Wendy and Carla gave a neutral expression.

Natsu sighed. "Don't glare at her, guys"

Erza's glare intensified. "If you do anything stupid, I won't hesitate to cut your head off!" In less than a second, Erza was kicked in the gut by my shadow Lucy kick and crashed into the ticket desk.

"Saw that one coming" Natsu commented.

"Erza!" Gray and Wendy yelled. They brought her up from the desk and cleaned her up. Erza promised to pay for the damage. After that, we entered the train. I sat by window. Natsu sat beside me and smiled. I just rolled my eyes. Erza and Gray sat across from us. Wendy, Carla and Happy sat on another seat. As the train whistle blew and the train began moving, Natsu and Wendy were motion sick. I held the urge to laugh the entire time.

After four hours, the train finally reached its destination. Natsu and Wendy were the first to leave the train. Erza grabbed her luggages.

"Finally! Land!" Natsu cheered happily.

"You're hopeless" I said.

"Hello, you must be the fairy tail wizard" says a brown haired man wearing a red suit. "He looks familiar" I kept looking at him until I realized who he is. "Jackal! He came prepared"

"Who are you?" Erza asked.

"My name is Mr Brown. I'm a resident of this town. Your friend Red Blade didn't tell you" he said as he was shaking in fear when he looked at me. "Guess you attending acting classes paid off"

"She didn't say anything" Gray glared at me. I glared back making him shiver in fear and look away.

"I was going to fairy tail for a request when I bumped into her. I told her that a group of motorcycle racers known as the fire raiders have been in town for a while. The mayor's out of town and it's starting to make the people panic. They haven't done anything wrong yet. So please can you convince them to leave" he explains. "I know it's a simple job. I promise I'll pay you big"

"Whatever" I said, playing along.

"It seems easy" Natsu said.

"Too easy" Erza mumbled.

He lead us to a restaurant where we saw the fire raiders. They parked their motorcycles there. They were partying, chatting, making fireworks, racing and other things.

"What the hell is this?" I asked.

"It's the fire raiders I was talking about" Jackal said. I sighed and we went to them.

"Wait!" Natsu said as he walked beside me, then the others followed me behind. While we were looking around the large group, I saw three guys talking about something. With my hearing senses, I picked up their conversation. 

" he here yet?" The man asked.

"No luck" the other guy said. "Might as well just forget about it"

"What?! I dare you to say that again!" The man said angrily as he grabbed the guy's jacket.

"Hey" another man said as he touches his shoulder. As we were about to ask someone who their leader is, two men blocked us.

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