Lucy vs Gildarts

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"So what are the rules of the match?" I asked while stretching my legs. I hear the guild members placing their bets.

"No holds barred" Gildarts replied.

"Alright, ready?" I said.

Gildarts nods and stares at me for a few seconds before dashing at me with full speed. He pulls his arm back to punch me. Unfortunately for him, I quickly dodged and went behind him. I then punch him in the back and I think I hear his spine crack. To everyone's surprise, I sent him flying across the place and crashed into three trees.

"Come on. You can do better than that" I teased him.

"Don't get cocky" Gildarts gets up and charges at me again. I put my hand up about to catch his fist, but when I do he throws me to a boulder. I quickly rebound and landed on the boulder. When I look up, he's already in front of me and tries to punch me. I move to the side and barely dodge it. Damn I even felt the wind from the force of the fist. His punch landed on the boulder, destroying it.

"Is that all?" I asked. I hear everyone is shouting Gildarts name. I hear both excitement and worry in their voices. Only Natsu and Happy were shouting my name. Wait! Strange, I don't hear Levy's voice. I haven't seen her in the guild today. Hmmm, maybe she must be reading some book. Anyways, forget about that. I need to focus on the fight.

"Of course not" Gildarts said.

"Devil Grabber!" I chanted as a spectral arm came from my demon hand and grabbed Gildarts.

"What the hell?!" He yelled.

I then bring him close to me and green energy envelope my body. "Shadow Lucy kick!" I chanted and kicked him, sending him flying again.

He mange to handspring back to stop himself. "That's hurts, kid. Mizuwari!" Gildarts hits the ground with a powerful strike imbued with magic, creating cracks on the ground. I jump to dodge the attack.

When I landed on the ground, I gather magical energy in my hands. "Holy blast!" I shouted as I shot a large magical energy at Gildarts. He stops it with one hand and my attack was being separated into cubes. I then shot a plasma ball at him.

"Crushing evil spreading the truth: Empyrean!" He shouts. My plasma ball attack is negated and a crush ball is sent flying towards me. I unleashed my spectral wing like arms and blocked the attack.

"Yeah! At this rate, Gildarts will win!" I hear someone shout. I turn my attention to Gildarts.

"This magic" I thought.


I watch as my father punch the ground and it creates shockwaves  and cracks on the ground.

"Cool!" I said. "Papa, what kind of magic is that?"

Father turns to me and said. "Crush magic. It's an extremely powerful caster magic that smashes everything the user comes into contact with into pieces. It can be used to both crack magic into pieces, thereby nullifying its effects as well as to reduce the magic's power and to deflect it"

"Even the most powerful spells are rendered useless when faced with this destructive and advanced magic, which is difficult to control even for extremely powerful individuals" I hear my mother's voice. I turn around to see her walking towards us.

"What does it actually do?" I asked.

"The effects of crush occasionally manifest themselves as the target being separated into cubes interestingly. Should crush be directly cast on another living organism, the recipient is separated into numerous, doll like versions of themselves" father explains. "After some time, the target should revert to their original form or I can manually change them back"

"Wow!" I said. "Do you think I can learn it?"

"You don't need it" father laughed. "You have magic more powerful than the crush magic. Even if you fight someone using this magic, I think you'll be fine"

End of flashback

"Brings back memories" I mumble. "But seriously, I don't remember fighting this dude" I focus my attention to Gildarts and said. "Hey, you're not bad. You're way more interesting than those losers"

"Since you defeated me, I've been training a lot defeat you" Gildarts smirked. "I'd say it's time to end this, don't you think?" He got into a stance and let out his magical aura. The spectators were freaking out. Me? I consider it a light show.

"Gildarts is getting serious!" Jet shouts.

"He's gonna finish off Red Blade with one hit!" Droy said.

"Lucy, be careful!" Natsu shouts.

He charges in with full speed and throws a powerful punch and I stopped it...with a finger. Everyone including Gildarts gasped in shock.

"That's disrespectful!" Someone shouts.

I smirked and said. "I know!"

Gildarts retreats and stare at me in shock. I just smirk at him. "Phantom blades!" I summon ten red swords and they circle around me. "Come closer, if you dare"

Gildarts tries to punch me again, but the swords were to fast for him and slashes him. As he stumbles, the swords surrounds him, aiming at his neck, chest and stomach. "You got me" Gildarts said and raised his hands in surrender. "I lost"

The guild were shocked to see their strongest member in this state. They all glare at me, I glare back making them flinch and look away. As I made the swords disappear, some of the guild members attended to the man, but he refused and walked towards me.

"That was a good battle" Gildarts said. "Can I talk to you in private? I promise it won't take much of the time"

I stare at him and everyone was totally speechless about it. I shrugged and decided to follow him. "What does he want?" We got to his house and he kicked open the door.

"What do you want?" I asked as he sat on his chair.

"Well, I wanted to see what the daughter of the great wrath demon can do?" He said and I froze in my seat.

"How do you know my father?" I growled.

"I did my homework Lucy. I know your parents, their former ranks and I know that you're framed of killing people" he said. "But you're only killing demons. And I also know you want to kill a certain demon"

"So, do you know where he is?" I said in a tone.

"I might have a clue" he said. "Are you ready to hear it?"

"Damn right!"

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