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It's been a week since Asuka was healed. The little girl seeks Lucy out and tries to get her attention which has been surprisedly successful. Lucy can't say no to her even if she wants to. The guild is surprised that she's so attached to her. Anytime someone tries to get Asuka away from Lucy, either Asuka cries and resist or Lucy gives them a good beating.

Asuka's parents went on a job and they asked me to babysit her. But Asuka rather play with Lucy than me and Lucy has no choice, she just can't say no. This is another evidence that she's a nice person. I tried showing this side of her to the others, but they're too stubborn to listen. At least Levy can see the good side of Lucy. Speaking of Levy, I wonder what changed her mind about her.

"The rules of the match are simple. Whoever hits the most target wins" Asuka said as she holds her toy gun and points at the bullseye attached to the wall. "If you lose, you gotta listen to whatever I say!"

"Like that's gonna happen. Well the same goes for you if you lose as well" Lucy said with a bored expression as she wields her gun.

"I'm not going to lose no matter what!!" Asuka yelled.

"You're facing off against a little kid, have you no shame?" I said.

Lucy glares at me. "Shut it lizard brain! I never wanted play this stupid game!" Then she looks away and said. "It's not like I have anything to do"

I sweat dropped. "Lizard....brain"

"Don't worry Natsu! I'm gonna win!" Asuka smiled.

The game starts and umm....Lucy won the match. Asuka was good, but she was nowhere near Lucy. That girl didn't even look at the bullseye and shot with good accuracy.

"I lost" Asuka said sadly. The guild look at Lucy in disappointment. Lucy noticed this and glared at them making them look away.

"Lu-chan, you could at least lose to her. She's just a kid" Levy said.

"Shorty, all's fair in love and war. There ain't no kids or adults in a real contest" Lucy said.

"Way to act like an adult" she sighed.

"Hey" Lucy called Asuka. "You lost and you know what that means" Asuka slowly nodded. Lucy took her hand and left the guild.

"I think we should follow them" Happy said.

"Agreed, the guild aren't comfortable with Asuka alone with Lu-chan" Levy said. Happy, Levy and I decided to leave the guild and follow Lucy, so the guild wouldn't worry too much.

"Natsu, Levy, take care of Asuka"
Macro said. "Make sure Red Blade doesn't tire her out"

"Apparently, there have been some shady looking guys spotted around town. Be careful" Wakaba said.

We followed Lucy and Asuka to the park. Levy and I sat on a bench and Happy sat on a large rock and eating a fish. Lucy decided to help the little girl improve on her shooting. I was really surprised cause I thought she was going to order Asuka around.

"You'll really teach me?" Asuka asked excitedly.

"Sure. You have a long way to go" Lucy said. "You might even surpass your parents"

As Lucy was teaching Asuka, I decided to talk to Levy. "Levy, I wanted to ask you. What made you decided to be friends with Lucy?"

Levy looks at me and said. "She's a nice person once you get past her grumpy side. I realized this when I talked to her at the library last week" Then her expression turns serious. "While I was in the library, I found this book" she opens her bag and brought out a white book.

Red Blade and E.N.DWhere stories live. Discover now