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The demon king, Mundus was sitting on his throne in a kingdom far away. He was drinking, his maids massaging his legs. His general was standing next to him. Suddenly he had a vision. In the vision, he saw a blond haired girl killing one of his most powerful demon, Deliora. He was confused, a Nephalem? How? But he doesn't know she's Jude and Layla's child.

"My lord, what's wrong?" His general asked.

"A loose end" Mundus answered.

"A loose end? What?" He asked confused.

"A Nephalem....lives" Mundus said.

"A Nephalem?! Alive?! I thought you wiped them out years ago?!" His general exclaimed in shock.

"This one still lives. And she has been killing my demons for seven years. How come I didn't sense her. Her magic is faint, hard to track" Mundus said in astonishment.

"Then I'll call the-" his general starts but was cut off by Mundus.

"No, not yet. Let's her enjoy her time for a little while, then I will rip the Nephalem's chest open with my bare hands and feast on her heart" he said and starts laughing.


It's been years since my parents deaths, still haven't found that bastard Mundus. My life should I put it.....little bit messed up. I killed some demons in a town that were secretly stealing people's life force. And how did they thank me? Simple, they accused me of killing innocent people. I mean are they blind?! Of course they are!! Humans! So dumb! They're blinded from the truth. They think the demons I killed were humans. Well some demons can't turn to their true form after they die.

I didn't really care about what people think. I've been doing this for a long time and as a result, my existence was reported to the council. They gave many contracts to both legal and dark guilds to capture or kill me. They tried but failed miserably. Some demons poses as wizards from legal or dark guilds, so I kill them. But only the ones associated with Mundus.

I don't hide like an outcast, no, I show myself in towns and cities and there were incidents. If someone recognize me or see my demon arm, he or she alert the others and they start running for their lives. And a group of wizards come after me. Some are bold enough to face me, only to get their ass kicked by me. Some are like scared kids and they also run. Some are demons trying to kill me and they end up dead. Sometimes, I surrender and get arrested only cause I feel like it and they know that. After one or two days in prison, tied up like an animal, I break free and leave.

Now I'm camping outside a town looking for a demon who disguise himself as master of a guild called Lamia scale and he's working for Mundus. I decided to take an afternoon nap in my tent. Then, someone decided to bother me.

"Lucy! Get out of there! You're in danger!" Yelled the voice. I opened the tent and saw the demon, Jackal.

"Jackal, what are you doing here? What do you want?" I asked as I rubbed the sleep off my eyes.

"You were careless. You left a trail. Now he's onto you" he replied.

"What're you talking about? Who's onto me?" I asked.

"The demon you're looking for. He knows you're after him. He figures he gonna get to you first..." he said. He turns around and cursed. "Shit, his goons are here"

"Jackal go home. I'll handle this, as always" I told him.

A portal appeared behind him. "Alright, good luck. If you need any help, just call me" he said before he entered the portal.

I rolled my eyes and said sarcastically. "Yeah, right" I looked around and noticed the demons have surrounded me. "An ambush huh. What a way to interrupt my sleep"

One of the demons tried to catch me with his hook and I dodged it. Unfortunately, it grabbed hold of my tent. "Hey, hey, hey! Get your filthy hook off my tent!" I said in annoyance. But the demon dragged my tent towards me, trying to hit me with it. I jumped and went inside and took everything necessary. I wore my boots, my red jacket and took my headphone and jumped out in time before the tent hit a tree.

"Great! Now I've to get a new tent!" I said. "Let's do this"

My red sword appeared behind my back and I grabbed it. The demons charged at me and tried to attack me, but failed. I dodged their attacks. I began attacking them with my sword. I cut five demons at once, killing them. "Holy Flames!" I chanted as I shot ten demons with my fire attack. They cry in agony as they were burned. More were coming from the left and shot them a Holy Blast which destroyed them and some few trees. Some demons were flying and throwing me spears while I was dodging them. I put my sword behind my back and brought my guns out and aimed at them.

I looked at my guns and said "Salamander, Chaos, my boys. Ready to shoot some heads?" the guns starts to glow meaning they're excited. I started shooting down the demons sparing no one. These guns are designed to rapidly fire magic bullets thanks to my magic. The red gun on my right hand, salamander was custom built for rapid fire while the blue gun on my left, chaos was modified for long distance targeting. I noticed one was coming behind me.

"Shadow Lucy kick!" I kicked him in the stomach sending him flying. I looked around and saw the enemies are down. I can still sense the demon. But he's not going to be there for long now that he's knows I'm here.

So I used my speed and ran as fast as I can and got to the city. I climbed a building where I saw Lamia scale guild. Then the guild master poser came out along with the human wizards. He telling them he's leaving for a while. I used my wings and fly down there. He gasped as he saw me. I grabbed his neck with my right demon hand and brought him up in the air. The people gasped and screamed as they saw me.

"Game over. You've been terrorizing these people for long enough" I smiled.

"Nephalem...Mundus will find you and kill you in way you'll ask your stupid parents why you exist" he said weakly.

"Stupid parents huh? If you're calling my parents stupid, you wouldn't be the first!" I yelled out the last word as I broke his neck. The people screamed again and the wizards glared at me as the demon fell to the ground. "Guess they didn't hear us. It doesn't matter" I flew out of the city somewhere else.

After flying for hours, I got to a small town. Like always, humans are running from me. Entering their homes, locking their doors and windows. I know they're going to contact the army soon and I don't care. I went to a traveling gear shop and took a new tent and put it in my backpack. Well it's for free cause the man was to afraid to sell it for me.

After that, I went to a hotel where everyone including the owner immediately ran out of the place. "Good. I won't hear their snoring" I went into one of the rooms and put my bag down. I removed my red jacket and my guns. After that, I ate some food, took a shower and went to bed to get some beauty sleep.

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