Fairy Tail Guild Master and Red Blade

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After receiving the letter from Mest, I went to the magic council. I saw many knights guarding the entrance and Mest waiting for me at the entrance.

"Mest" I said.

"Surprised to see the guards?" He asked.

"Not at all" I answered. "When did she get here?"

"Not too long. She turned herself in again. We locked her up as usual. We just don't know what to do anymore" he said as he escorts me to the council.

"Let's hope my plan works" I sighed. I began thinking about the girl, Lucy Heartfilia. I can feel her immense magic energy. It's incredible. Many people here are shaking in fear.

"This is crazy!!" I hear someone shouted. "Even in that prison, bound with so many magic suppressing chains and magic draining materials, I can still feel that monster's immense magic pressure!! Worst part, she's going to break out anything time soon!! I'm tired of this!!"

I can see everyone frowning and nodding in agreement. It was impossible and yet it's happening. Anyone would be dead by now, but not her. I see Mest with an angry look on his face. Tired of her I guess.

We got a room and Mest opens the door. We went to the council who were sitting down discussing. Then they turn their attention to me.

"Makarov, what are you doing here?" One of them asked.

"I'm here to ask for a request?" I asked.

"Go on" he replied.

"I want you to remove Lucy Heartfilia wanted poster and leave her under my supervision" I said.

"WHAT!!" They yelled.

"Are you crazy?! Makarov, do you really think you can control that criminal?!" Another one asked in disbelief.

"Since you can't do anything about her, at least let me give it a try. It seems she had a rough past" I replied. "I want to help her. To at least give her a chance to change her ways. It won't be easy though"

They looked at each other and sighed. "Alright Makarov, she's yours. I'm trusting you on this. Mest, take him to her"

"Yes sir" Mest said.

We left the room and headed for the prison cell. After ten minutes, we finally got to the door. I saw some guards there, but they were too scared to near the door. As Mest was about to open it, the door opened revealing the blonde with a smirk on her face. She tied her long hair to a side ponytail. She wore a green top with red leather jacket that have the sleeves rolled up and black pants. She also has a headphone on her neck. But what surprised me is her right arm.

It looks like a reptillian esque claw that extends up to the elbow. The palm and last two digits of each finger glow blue, which is connected to blue streaks that runs along the back of the forearm that is also connected to a vaguely star shaped glowing patch on the back of the hand. The back of the hand and the backside is covered in red hide that leads up to an extended elbow. On the front side of the forearm are navy blue streaks. Even though it looks demonic, I can sense a power of light within it.

"Hey" she waved at us. Mest and the other guards got scared and ran away yelling monster. She laughs at them, but later stopped as she noticed me. She looked surprised and curious. "Who are the hell are you?"

"I'm Makarov Dreyar. I'm fairy tail guild master" I responded.

"Fairy tail? Oh! I've heard of you guys. The strongest guild" she said. "Looks like we have another one. Alright, let's do this" she said as a red sword appeared behind her back.

"No dear, I'm not here to fight" I said.

She looked at me confused. "Then why are you here?"

"I'm here to take you to fairy tail and make you a member there. I have a feeling you're not a bad person and I'm here to help you" I replied.

"You want to take me to your guild? Tell what makes you think I'm not a bad person? You know I can kill you right here and now" she glared at me. Her magical energy started increasing.

"She's trying to scare me" I thought. "I just do. I can tell by the look in your eyes you're a good person deep down, but for some reason you can't show it" I said. "Lucy, a beautiful woman like you deserves a second chance" I smiled at her.

She stood there shocked the whole time. She looked at me and her eyes were softer. This means I was right! I smiled and her expression changed. "You're a weird old man" she said in annoyance.

I sighed. "If you want to leave, then go. I'm powerless to stop you. But if you want to join me, meet me at the train station. I'll be waiting for you" I tell her and turn to leave. I start walking and look back to see her looking down, probably thinking about it. I know she will come around. I'll just have to be patient.

As I arrived to the train station, I sat down waiting for her to arrive. The day was busy as usual. They weren't to many people here. I closed my eyes thinking about some certain things before I fell asleep.

I woke up and noticed it's night time. I looked at the clock at my left and see it's eleven thirty. I looked around and see the train was getting ready to leave. There were only few people. "I didn't think it would be this long" I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turn around and see Lucy looking at me with a bored expression.

"Hey old man" she said.

"I'm glad you came" I smiled at her.

She rolled her eyes. "I'm only staying there for a few months. After that, I'm leaving"

"We'll see about that" I said. We went inside inside the train. People saw Lucy and immediately ran outside. Lucy didn't look like she care. We sat down before the train started moving. Lucy leaned against the window frowning. After ten minutes of silence, I decided to start up a conversation.

"So Lucy-" I start, but she cuts me off.

"I'm not in a talking mood, so I suggest you shut up old man" she said, not looking at me. I frowned at her, but said nothing. I closed my eyes and fell asleep knowing we'll get to Magnolia tomorrow.

I woke up and noticed Lucy is still looking at the window. After an hour ride, we finally arrived at Magnolia. People saw Lucy and kept their distance from her and stared at her. After few minutes, we finally reached the guild. "They're not going to like this" I sighed as I stopped at the entrance.

"What are you waiting for old man? Open it" she said.

I slowly opened the doors, ready for what's about to come.

Red Blade and E.N.DWhere stories live. Discover now