Nephalem Physiology

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I was running to the library today cause the sky's dark and it's about to rain soon. It's been long since I've gone there. I expect new books might arrive by now. I entered the library before the rain poured down.

"Phew, that was close. Got here at the nick of time" I said.

I look around and see the place is empty. Not even the librarian is here. Maybe he's in the bathroom. I look at the shelves for any new book available. I kept searching until I realize I was at the old shelves section where old historical books are. As I was about to leave, I bumped the shelf causing a white book to fall. I was curious about it and picked it up. There was no title written on it. I opened the book and saw the title written on the first page.

"Nephalem Physiology" I gasped. This book must contain everything about Nephalems. Their strength, power and weakness. Everything about Red Blade. I've heard of Nephalems, but never come across a book about them before. "This book must have something we can use to defeat Red Blade" I mumble.

I went to my favorite place to sit. It's quiet and at the other side of the library. Come to think of it, the librarian sure is taking his time. I froze when I notice a blond hair woman wearing a red jacket with a glowing demon arm sitting at my favorite spot, reading a book and eating strawberry ice cream in a plastic bowl. "R-Red Blade" I stutter. She looks at me which frightens me, then she looks back at her book. "So that's why this place is empty!! She's here!!" I was about to leave when the voice of master rang in my ear.

"Remember what I've taught you, yesterday's enemy are today's friend"

"What she needs is a family and control. I know she's not all that bad, that's why I brought her here to change. I want you all to befriend her and make her feel welcome and wanted"

What if master is right? What if she's not evil? Is that why Natsu's friends with her. She doesn't even seem bothered and irritated around him. She only becomes hostile when we are hostile to her. Maybe I should try to get to know her. If she tries anything, I'm making a run for it. I walked slowly and sat down. As I was about to open the book, I notice Red Blade was staring at me.

"What?" I asked.

"I never knew you use celestial magic" she said as she looks at my key pouch. "I thought you use only solid script magic"

"Yeah, I'm a celestial wizard as well, though I rarely use it. I have ten golden keys and four silver keys" I said.

"I never asked you how many keys you have, smarty pants" she said in irritated tone.

"Sorry" I quickly said. I opened the book and start reading it.

The Nephalem are a race of hybrid beings who are half celestial spirit and half demon, having demon and spirit blood running through their veins. They wield the powers of both species and are considered a threat to both demonic and celestial power due to their formidable prowess and potential. Because of this, most of them were hunted down and slain.

A Nephalem is part celestial spirit and demon. It can join either side, but if the being chooses to side with celestial spirits, then it's declared as an enemy of the demon race. If siding with demons, then the spirits will hunt it down and kill it. A Nephalem can remain neutral and only fight for themselves.

"Wow, she must be lonely" I thought. "Do you have any friends? Like demons or celestial spirits?" I ask her.

"No" Red Blade said plainly.

"Okay" I said and continue reading the book.

Every celestial spirits, demons, dragons, monsters, gods, fairies, or anything else is very well aware of what a Nephalem is and why they are terrified by one. The gods call the Nephalem their ultimate judgement and the fairies view one as their own boogeyman. Monsters claim a Nephalem lives in purgatory.

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