Gildarts Returns

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This chapter was inspired by a book I read.


"Will they ever shut up for a freaking second!!!" I mentally shouted as I was holding my glass of strawberry milkshake tightly. Chairs, tables, benches, barrels and other things were flying through the room. Everyone was fighting again. Elfman was shouting real man before he was kicked in the face by Freed. Gajeel and Gray knocked out some guys before turning to each other.

"Frosty! Get ready to lose!" Gajeel said as they start fighting.

"That's my line, metal brain!" Gray said. "And who are you calling frosty, no eyebrows guy?!"

"Why you!!" Gajeel growled. This continued for a few minutes before they crashed into Erza and ends up dropping her cake on the ground. Erza turned to them with anger in eyes that it scared anyone close to her.

"You guys...are...DEAD!!!" Erza snapped at the last part with a deadly glare and began chasing them. The stripper and metal boy run away from Erza like their lives depends on it, because at this case it does.

The guild was getting louder and louder and my ears were throbbing and my head was aching. "If they keep this up, it won't be good for anyone here!!" I was clenching my teeth and my eyes was twitching as I was trying my best not to lose my temper. I look at Mira cleaning the counter and Makarov drinking his beer. "How are they use to this?!?!" The louder the noise is, the angrier I get. Mira immediately shifts from me as she notices my rage.

"Guys, I think you should stop!" She yelled as she glance at me, but they didn't listen. Instead someone threw a chair at her and she dodged it. That action made me more angrier and my grip on the milkshake glass tightens until it broke. I tried to calm myself down which wasn't working and the temperature in the guild was rising due to my anger.

"It's suddenly getting warmer in here" Gray said as he took off his clothes.

"Yeah, it's weird" Cana said as she waved her hand to blow some cool air to herself and sweat rolled down her body. Soon the guild members stop fighting and start complaining about the heat.

"Why has it gotten so hot in here?!" Gajeel complained.

"The weather could be hot today" someone replied.

"Bro I entered the guild not too long ago, the weather is okay outside" a man said.

"Then why is it so hot in here! Feels like I'm in a furnace!" Laxus yelled. I noticed some people were having problem breathing in the guild. Makarov glanced at me as he cleans his sweaty face with some cloth. Looks like he knows I'm responsible.

"Come on Lucy, calm down. At this rate, you might kill everyone with your heat" I was thinking of those words while inhaling and exhaling hoping to calm me down, but it wasn't working. Then I felt a hand gently resting on my demon hand. I looked beside me to see Natsu sitting next to me. "When did he get here?!"

"Calm down" Natsu whispered softly and smiled. I started to calm down, it was strange. I felt at peace and I like it. I breathe slowly and finally calmed down. The temperature in the guild hall dropped to normal.

"What just happened?" Bisca asked as she wiped the sweat off her face.

"I don't know" Alzack replied. 

"I do!" Erza said and approach me. "Red Blade! You have something to do with this!" She points her sword at me. The guild members were slightly surprised about it.

"Maybe you weren't so loud, this would have been avoi-" I was cut off by a bell ringing.

"It's him! He's back after so long!" Someone shouted. The rest of the guild cheered. I sense a powerful but familiar magic from outside. 

"Who's that?" I asked to no one in particular.

"Gildarts" Happy said. "He's fairy tail strongest wizard"

"And someone you once fought" Natsu said. I look at him confused. "I've fought him before?"

"Hey guys, do you think Gildarts can beat Red Blade?" Jet asked. I frown but said nothing.

"Well, Red Blade have defeated him before" Nab said. "Seriously, when have I fought him?"

"He wasn't prepared at that time" Reedus said.

"We shouldn't have those two fighting near the guild...or anywhere in town" Max said and sweat dropped. "In fact, they shouldn't be fighting at all"

Seconds later a man went through the door. "Hi guys! I'm back!" He said with a huge smile on his face. Everyone ran to welcome him and they started to ask questions about his missions. I noticed Cana looked sadly and left. Then I focus my attention on the big guy.

He's a tall, muscular man with shoulder length orange hair and a stubbly beard. He wears a long, black, high collared and tattered cloak with shoulder plates and around his waist is a simple belt. He also wear loose fitting dark pants, complete with an armored waist guard bearing plates similar to the ones on his shoulders, tucked inside simple boots. I noticed the prosthetic arm and leg, his chest scars which are stitched and his black fairy tail mark. The majority of his torso is bandaged as is his right forearm and left shoulder. "So that's Gildarts"

"Hey Gildarts!" Natsu said and hugged him.

"How's it going Natsu?" Gildarts said.

"Gildarts, what brings you here?" Makarov asked.

"Came back to get some rest from all that traveling. Unfortunately I haven't seen any signs of Igneel" he said and Natsu nodded sadly. "Don't worry, we'll find him one day" he then notice me and his eyes widened. He get through the crowd and walked towards me and I stood up to face him. "Look what we have here, so the rumors were true. It's been a while, Red Blade" he glares at me.

"Am I supposed to know you?" I glared back at him.

"You don't remember?!" He asked. "How could you not remember?! You were the one who cut off my arm and leg!"

"Hmmm nope, I still don't know you" I said, trying to remember. "No offense, but I've fought a lot of people and also cut off their limbs as well"

His glare intensifies. "I'm Gildarts Clive! When you were announced on the wanted list for the first time, I was the first to take the job. I thought it was going to be easy at that time"

"Well, you shouldn't have underestimated your opponent" I said harshly as a red aura surrounds me.

"Yeah, you're right. It won't happen again" he said coldly as a white aura surrounds him too. The guild stared at us in slight fear and moved away from us. The only ones that aren't scared were Natsu and Makarov.

"I'm taking bets!" Happy said. "Gildarts vs Lucy! Ace vs Nephalem!"

"Quiet stupid tomcat" Carla scolded him.

"No! No! No one is fighting!" Max protest.

"Well I'd like to have my rematch" Gildarts said as his aura dies down. "What do you say, Red Blade?"

My aura disappear as well. "Well, it's not like I'm busy or something. I'll accept your challenge, but you better make it entertaining"

"You two aren't fighting anywhere near here!" Makarov shouted. "I'm not ready to pay any bills!"

"Come on Lucy, Gildarts and I know the perfect place to fight" Natsu said, but then came closer to my ear and whispers. "Don't take it too far, okay?"

"You can't tell what to do pinkie" I scoffed. "Lead the way"

"Follow me" Gildarts said and left the guild with me, Natsu and Happy behind. Makarov was also behind us.

"Gramps, I thought you said they shouldn't fight" Gray said.

"I didn't say I didn't want to watch. This will be interesting" I hear the old man chuckle. Soon after the rest of the guild followed as well.

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