The Red Eye Demon

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"Red Blade!" Gray and Erza said in unison.

"We've to help her!" I ran towards them.

"Natsu wait!" Erza and Gray followed me behind. I saw Lucy jumped from the back of the demon before it could catch her. Lucy landed in front of us and glared at us.

"I thought I told you not to get in my way" she said. "And where the hell are your clothes pervert?!" She glares at Gray.

"Let's just fight this demon already" I said.

"Fine!" She said as she turns her attention to the demon. She whistle and her motorcycle drove next to her. She splits it to a pair of giant buzzsaws and wields it. "So cool"


"Ready......GO!" Jackal shouted as he puts his hand down. We both drove off leaving the group behind. We drove together for five minutes before he past me.

"How do you like that?" Vincent smiles, but quickly fades when he noticed I was beside him again. "Damnit!" He grunts as he increased his speed.

I smile slightly and increased my speed and past him so now he's behind me. He looks at me in shock. "You're going to have a hard time avenging your brother if you ride that slow" I mocked him.

"Shit!" I hear him shout. He drove past me with so much speed. "Take that! This race is all mine!" I caught the smell of the smoke and realized he was using nitrous. "Idiot!" Then I noticed something in front of us. Another racer wearing a motorcycle outfit, flashing his red light behind us.

"It's him. Red eye" I thought.

"You! You killed my brother!" Vincent shouted and increased the speed of his motorcycle.

"Wait! Don't go! Stop!" I yelled.

"There's no way I can stop! I will defeat you, red eye!" He yelled. If this continues, he's gonna get himself killed. I shook my head and sighed. I went faster and caught up with him. I looked at him and saw his eyes were dull and lifeless. "He's being manipulated"

I sigh again. "What are you trying to accomplish, going so far to get yourself killed?" I brought out my gun and shot his tyres. His motorcycle lost balance and he crashed into a bush. I turn my attention to red eye and gathered magical energy into the Cavaliere which increased my speed. I managed to get close to this guy before I leapt into the air with the Cavaliere and pounced on him. He crashed to an open field as he separates from his motorcycle. I stopped and got off the Cavaliere and went to him.

"Speeding causes accidents" I said. The motorcycle and the racer merged together and turned into a demon that was two hundred feet tall. It has long arms which resembles a sickle along with having four disfigured legs. The center of its body also acts as a saw. It has one eye that shines red and sharp jaws. "Finally, some fighting time!" I cracked my knuckles. It ran towards me to use his saw on me, but I quickly dodged it and stood on it's back.

"Red Blade!" I hear Gray and Erza said in unison. I turn to see Natsu, Erza and Gray staring at me. "Ugh! Why must you ruin my fun?!"

"We've to help her!" Natsu said and ran towards me.

"Natsu wait!" Erza and Gray followed me behind. I jumped from the back of the demon before it could catch me and landed in front of them.

"I thought I told you not to get in my way" I glared at them. "And where the hell are your clothes pervert?!" I glared at Gray.

"Let's just fight this demon already" Natsu said.

"Fine!" I said as I turns my attention to the demon. I whistle and Cavaliere drove next to me. Then I split to its melee form, a pair of giant buzzsaws and wield it, surprising the trio with me.

Red Blade and E.N.DWhere stories live. Discover now