Devil Trigger

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It's been three hours I've been sitting here, listening to music, reading my father's story and receiving multiple glares from the guild. When the old man told them that I should feel welcomed, well it's totally the opposite, not that I care. I looked up and saw Erza and Gray at the other side glaring at me. Like I said, they don't scare me. I sent them a cold and dull glare which made Gray gulped and shivered and Erza sweat, but continued to stare. I smirked as I was satisfied with the results.

As I was about to continue reading, someone threw a rock at me. I caught it without looking and crushed the rock earning multiple gasps.

"It seems like everyone here lack discipline!" Makarov yelled in frustration. "Anyone act out again and you'll be put on probation from doing any kind of work until you learn how to respect your fellow guild members! Am I understood?!" Everyone nodded and stayed quiet. The master went up the stairs and went to his office.

I felt every stare they give me like I'm some circus freak, waiting to see if I will make an aggressive move. But one was different. One wasn't glaring me and I know it's that pink haired guy. I looked up at him again and he smiled at me. I raised my eyebrow and looked away. I looked at the book again. I saw a drawing of my dad. He wore dark red armor, his black wings spread wide, has large horns on his head, clawed hands. He has red eyes with white irises. Dad rode atop a demon horse, his right hand welding a long samurai sword that he held up high.

The story of my dad is incredible. Hundreds of years ago, he was a lieutenant of the demon world. He was one of the most skilled demons in history. One day, he betrayed them and turned his back on his kind to save mankind. He took on an entire demon army and won! Sadly years later, Mundus killed him and mum. However his actions inspired other demons to help humans as well. They call him a hero while Mundus's demons call him a traitor. The demon rebels form guilds like Tartaros, a demon guild that protects humans. Their guild master is a demon named Mard Geer. He has books of different stories of demons. He was the one who gave me this book. We usually contact each other once in a while. Jackal is also a member there.

The samurai sword my dad owned is called the Yamato. A very powerful weapon created by him in the demon world. It belongs to me now and I can only use it when I activate my devil trigger.

 It belongs to me now and I can only use it when I activate my devil trigger

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While reading, I noticed that someone was trying to get in my head. I secretly looked at the person. His name is Warren and what I've heard, he's a telepath wizard. He placed his middle and index fingers on his forehead and concentrated on me. Well, it's good that I know a few tricks. I made invincible walls in my head which blocked him. "I'm not a big fan of telepaths, so he better stop"

"Why can't I get to her?" Warren mumbled to himself and tried to get through the walls again and again. Feels like he's banging on a door. Damn it! This guy is so annoying! This is one of the reasons why I hate telepaths, They just don't know when to stop!

"If he does it again-" my thoughts were cut off by another try of the wizard. I gritted my teeth in anger. "Okay! That's it! GET OUT OF MY HEAD YOU BASTARD!!!!" I shouted so loud in my head that got Warren to hold his head. He got so scared that he fell on the floor. "Don't try to get in my head again or I swear I'll make you regret it!!!" I glared at him before closing my book and putting it in my backpack. I leaned on the chair, put my legs on top of the table and closed my eyes as I listen to my music. I felt him nod his head rapidly. I hear everyone asking him what happened. He said it was nothing.

My few minutes of peace was ruined by someone yelling my name. I open my eyes to see a white haired woman who looks a lot like Mira. I remove my headphone as she stared at me. "I don't like you"

I rolled my eyes. "I don't like you either, now buzz off"

"I won't accept you as member of our guild!" She continues. "I don't care what the master says, you're criminal who won't bring any good to the guild!"

Anger flares in my chest, but I suppress it. "Oh I'm so sad, what am I gonna do now?" I said sarcastically.

"Let me warn you. If you hurt my friends or the people of this town, you'll answer to me. For I am Lisanna Strauss. Sister of Elfman and Mirajane Strauss and girlfriend of Natsu Dragneel" she introduced herself.

I burst into laughter as I held my stomach. She looked at me confused and I noticed Natsu was glaring at her. Does she think she can beat me? "Okay....firstly your name is Lisanna, more like lasagna and I love eating lasagnas" I smirked.

"What!" She said. I hear Natsu trying to hold his laughter.

"Secondly, Mira and Elfman are your siblings? You must be joking! I don't know those two, but I can feel their magical energy is very strong. But yours feels like.....a parasite" I said. She glared at me. "And lastly, if you really are pinkie's girlfriend, then why did he glare at you when you said that and why is he laughing at you now?" I point at him. Everyone including Lisanna turn to Natsu who quickly looked away.

I stood up and wore my backpack. "I should get going now. Need to find a good decent place to camp" I began walking out of the guild.

"Hey! I'm not done talking with you!" She said angrily, but I ignored her.

"What's all the commotion?" I hear Makarov opening his office door.

"Hey! Stop!" She demanded, but still ignored her.


Lisanna glared at Lucy as she was leaving. She clenched her fists tightly and gritted her teeth in anger. So angry for insulting her. Without a second thought, she turned into a bird and used her wind magic to attack her.

"Lisanna! Don't!" Makarov called her, but she didn't listen. She creates a small tornado and shoots at Lucy. As it hits her, it didn't damage Lucy at all. It was just a love tap to her making everyone gulp.

Lucy drops her bag on the floor and turn around. Suddenly, her magical energy increased. Her hair turns white and red glowing veins spread across her face and body. Her eyes becomes red with white irises. Red energy envelopes her jacket, making it bright red. Her blue glowing demon arm turned red and a red samurai sword which looks like the Yamato appeared on her demon hand while her red phantom sword disappeared.

To Lucy, she sees her surroundings change. The sky turns white and the buildings, ground and people turns black. She walked towards Lisanna and stare at her. But to everyone in the guild, they looked at her in shock and fear as she was standing there. She zoomed and disappeared from her previous spot to where Lisanna is. It looked like she just vanished, but in reality she's so fast that it was almost impossible to see her.

Lisanna looked horrified and started shaking as if she just saw death itself. She then fell to the ground, looking paralyzed. Lucy returns back to normal and the pressure disappeared. Her red phantom sword appeared and the Yamato disappeared. She walked towards the doors, took her backpack and left. It took a few moments before people began to breathe again.

"Lisanna, are you alright?" Mira asked as she and her brother went to her.

"Y-Yeah" Lisanna answered as she slowly stood up.

"Lisanna! What were you thinking?! She could have killed you!" Makarov yelled.

"Yes! It was scary!" She yelled surprised.

"Look you brats, Lucy doesn't like being bothered, so don't disturb her if you value your life!" He said.

"I'll have to get rid of her before she gets rid of us" Lisanna thought as she glared at the open doors.

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