Red Eye

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One night in a forest, three motorcycle racers were riding and enjoying their moment. They wore brown jackets that has a fireball symbol. They were known as the fire raiders. A group of motorcycle racers that goes on tours and competitions around the world to win races. Their leader named Michel was among them. He was their fastest and no one could compete with him. As they were riding, one of them crashed on the ground due to over speeding. The other noticed this and tries to warn their leader.

"Hey Michel!" The man called.

"What?!" Michel asked.

"You're riding way to fast tonight!" He warned him.

"If you don't want to die, you better slow down!" Michel said before speeding off leaving the racer.

"Michel!!" The man shouted.

"The sound of the wind is sweet tonight! There's no way I'm stopping!" As he was driving, he saw a red light on his mirror. He looked behind and saw another rider. He didn't look like one of his friends, he was someone else. The rider's entire outfits was red and even his motorcycle was red. The rider was so fast he past Michel and drove off. Michel could only see the red light from afar. This made him angry, seeing that someone is better than him. "You want a race?! Bastard!"

Michel increased the speed of his motorcycle to chase after the mysterious racer. He was so fast that he lost control of his vehicle and went off the trail. "GHRRAAAAAHH!!" He screamed as he crashed into a large boulder. His motorcycle caught on fire and exploded. After Michel died, the mysterious rider saw his burning corpse and went to him.

A month later

At night, in the city of Crocus, a beautiful young woman was running to look for cover since it was raining. She saw a cloak man standing in front of a shop and went to him.

"Ah...this rain sucks, doesn't it?" She says. "So, who are you waiting for? Your girlfriend?" The man didn't reply. "You're going to freeze if you hang around here. Hey, why don't you forget about your girlfriend, come with me and I'll find us a warm place where I can buy you dinner" she said seductively.

The man looks at her and nods. "Great!" She said happily. The man walked off leaving her surprised. "H-Hey! Wait up!" She opens her umbrella and walks with her. They walked in silence until they reached an abandoned building. 

The woman was surprised at the place the strange man brought her to and laughed a little. "Why did you bring me here?"

"Well, for this" the man replied. He went to a storage and opened it revealing many human bones. The woman gasped in shock and moved away slightly.

"Wh-What's going on here?!" She asked.

"Why, have you forgotten? That's insensitive of you. Considering you're the very girl responsible for this" he said as he walks towards her.

The woman's eyes widen. "Huh?"

"Recently, there have been a string of men going missing in Crocus, you know" the man explains. "Each one of them was picked up by the some girl and treated to dinner, then spend a night with her at a hotel and went missing when she brought them to this abandoned building"

"Come think I did this?" She asks and smiles. "Give me a break. Do I look like the kind of human being who'd do something like that?"

"No..." He glared at her. "You don't look like a human being"

The woman transformed into a demon. She has red eyes and stood tall on two legs and with two tentacle arms with spikes. Green hair covered her body everywhere. She tries to attack the man, but he quickly dodged the attack. Her tentacle caught his cloak, revealing to be Jackal of Tartaros guild.

Red Blade and E.N.DWhere stories live. Discover now