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"Shinichiro, hurry up!" You urge your boyfriend, dragging his heavy body across the hallway, arm straining as he tries his best to stop you from bringing him to the dreaded room filled with teachers.

He's been showing you his distaste for teachers ever since the two of you met when you were in middle school and yet, now that both of you have stepped into college - technically, you stepped into college while Shinichiro opened his own shop - Shinichiro still has the same distaste for teachers.

"I told you, I don't want to go! I can just wait by the parking lot. I doubt they'll need me in there if you're already there with Manjiro." He whines into your ear when you've managed to haul him closer to you. His words make you roll your eyes, not having enough patience for him after he deliberately made the two of you 30 minutes late.

If you had not reminded him about how Manjiro won't be able to go home if you didn't fetch him, then Shinichiro probably would've opted to just stay in his shop and pretend that he didn't get a call from his brother's teachers.

You roll your eyes at him. "Shin, you need to go, you're Manjiro's older brother and I'm just your girlfriend. You should at least silently stand in a corner and pretend to be a responsible adult while I talk to the principal." You reason with him, fingers carefully interlocking with him to ensure that he doesn't run away at the last second.

For someone so tall, he sure knows how to slip in and out of situations without getting noticed.

With a heavy sigh, he slumps his shoulders, forehead pressed against your shoulder as he murmurs a silent agreement.

Just as you're about to knock on the door, Shinichiro speaks up. "Why's he in the principal's office again?"

Giving him a bewildered look, you step away from him for a bit. "Shin, you're the one who answered the teacher's call, why don't you know?"

"I must have forgotten."

"You're hopeless." Turning away from him, you knock on the door.

"Yeah, hopelessly in love with you~" He whispers in your ear which was about to make you blush if it weren't for the door opening just as he uttered those words. The stoic face of the kindergarten's principal greeting you.

"Mr. and Mrs. Sano." The principal greets, ignoring the words that he had just heard.

You silently elbow Shinichiro's stomach as the teacher turns around and leads the two of you inside, your eyes immediately darting to a frowning Manjiro who's sitting on a chair, arms crossed as he looks at you with his big dark eyes. His frown quickly turns into a pout as he raises his arms towards you, opting for you to carry him.

You almost sigh when you see the way disappointment fills his orbs when you subtly shake your head, hands gently putting his arms down as you face the teachers who are all watching the three of you. Shinichiro stands behind you, back pressed against the wall as he just silently watches what happens, hoping that he won't have to talk to any of the teachers since you're with him.

"Mrs. Sano, we called both of you here today since Manjiro-kun got into another fight during recess in the playground-" The teacher gets cut off when Shinichiro darts towards Manjiro, eyes wide as he kneels down in front of a frowning Manjiro.

With your boyfriend kneeling, he places his hands on the short blond's shoulders and leans in. "Did you win?"

You almost smack Shinichiro on the head if it weren't for the bewildered look that's being sent to you by the rest of the teachers.

Giving an awkward smile, you lightly flick Shinichiro on the forehead before forcefully hauling him away from Manjiro who gave his older brother a huge grin and a thumbs up. Your head feels like it's about to explode from embarrassment as you gently put Manjiro's hand down.

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