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Putting your hand on your hip, you give Draken another look as he continues to sit by the chair next to the counter.

He's been bothering you about working for you for two hours now, insisting that he wants to be able to pay you back for the money that you used for his hospital bill a few months ago.

If it wasn't for Manjiro's big mouth, you think that you would've gotten away without Draken knowing. Then again, the kid's quite smart so either way, you would've had to deal with stubborn Draken. "For the last time, kid, you don't have to work for me to pay back the money. Knowing that you're actually trying to be safe and not get hurt is good enough for me. Now scram. It's almost midnight, you need to go home." You hear him huff as you turn your back on him to start counting up the sale from today along with putting back some tools that you cleaned earlier.

As you walk around the shop, making sure that the equipment is all placed back where it's supposed to be, in good condition and that there's no appliances that are still plugged in, you finally turn back to face Draken who has now decided to follow you around.

With how mature he usually acts with the other kids, you can't help but be endeared with this side of him, still a little kid even though he towers over you.

If Shinichiro was here, he'd surely tease this kid to no end with how persistent he is, unknowing that Shinichiro is just as stubborn, if not more.

"Then... I won't work for you... Just take me as an apprentice. C'mon! I'll help around the shop and you can teach me things. I can clean up, talk to the customers. I already know the basics, it'll be like having an employee without having to pay!"

"That's illegal, Ken."

"It's not if it's an internship!"

Letting out a groan, you rub a hand on your face, absolutely done with his persistence.

Clicking your tongue, you nod which earns you a triumphant laugh from the teenager. "Fine, fine! I'll take you as an apprentice but please! Just go home and sleep early!" Shooing him out of the shop, you quickly lock up, conscious of the time and how the kids must all be sleeping by the time you get home.

Walking over to your own motorcycle parked beside Draken's, you give him a wave before he drives away first. Making sure that he's safely turned down the corner, you start your own bike and head home, body starting to ache from the long day's work as you quickly reach the street leading to the Sano household. Seeing that all of the lights inside the house are already off, you decide to just head over to your own home for the night, not wanting to wake any of them up by accidentally opening a door too loudly.

You'll just have to head over for breakfast real early tomorrow.

Driving a few more minutes to your house, your eyebrows raise when you see another motorcycle parked in front of your car along with someone sitting by the door, head perched on top of your knees.

Warily, you approach the figure, eyes straining to see who they are until you catch sight of a certain long haired blond. "Haruchiyo, what're you doing here?" You hold out your hand, lightly tapping on his shoulder before pushing his hair to the side to see him slowly open his eyes.

Oh my.

Did he fell asleep outside the house waiting for you?

Helping him stand up, you immediately open the door, letting him in as you turn on all of the lights.

Watching the teenager slump on the couch, you can't help but frown at the obvious tiredness radiating off of him. Even with the mask covering his face, you can already picture the frown marring his face. Closing the door behind you, you walk over to him before gently removing his mask.

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