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"Be safe, make sure to be home before dinner." You mumble against Shinichiro's skin as he drops you off at your house before heading over to the new shop that the two of you had officially bought the other week which is also currently getting filled in with Shinichiro's equipment from the old shop.

The move started only three days ago which has been making Shinichiro busier than ever which in turn makes you the one responsible for the financial problems for now.

Just like what the two of you had planned, the old shop is now being put on sale - without the kids knowing - while you are now working as a teacher's assistant in university to scarpe as much money as you can before you graduate in a few months where you'll be shadowing and assisting Sara's mother in her engineering company.

"I will. Go have fun with Wakasa, okay? You two haven't been spending all that much time with each other. He's been threatening me recently, y'know? Telling me to stop swamping you with work." He chuckles under his breath as he eyes the door behind you, leading to the living room of your house where Wakasa is most likely waiting for you.

Rolling your eyes, a smile still makes its way to your face as you take a few steps back. "Oh yeah? Did he kick you on the stomach again? Punched you to the ground like last time?"

"Oh haha, let's all laugh at how your boyfriend got beaten up by your cousin. So funny." Shinichiro tries to say with a straight face but inevitably breaks into laughter when Wakasa coincidentally opens the door to let you in after hearing your voice from the inside.

"What the hell are you guys doing outside? I've been waiting inside for five minutes, just how long do you guys say goodbye to each other?" You can practically hear the irritation from your cousin as he crosses his arms in front of his chest, shoulder leaning on the door frame as he raises his eyebrows at the two of you.

Lightly pushing Shinichiro away, you whisper under your breath. "Guess it's time for you to go now before Mr. White Leopard beats you up."

You catch a glimpse of Shinichiro biting his lip, suppressing his laughter as he shallowly nods at the two of you before walking over to his bike, all the while, Wakasa continues to look like he's ready to drop kick both of you judging from the frown on his face.

Once your boyfriend is out of view, you finally enter your house, going straight into your room while Wakasa follows.

"I still can't believe the two of you bought that new building. Such a good place though, the traffic there is great, definitely gonna have more customers once you open up again." Wakasa points out, taking his place on your bed like how he usually does as he watches you walk around your room, getting some documents and spare money in the different bags and purses that you haven;t used in awhile. "But also, you said something about needing money right? If you want, I can lend you two some money. Benkei and I have been getting a ton of new customers for some reason. Mostly females though. They've all paid for the 6 month subscription in the gym with coaching. It's absurd."

You pause from your searching to give your cousin a look. "Really now. You don't know why there are a ton of new female clients in the gym? You sure about that? Are you absolutely sure that you do not know why your gym, owned by two muscular and fairly attractive men, are getting a surge of new female clients who willingly paid for a 6 month subscription in the gym?" By now, your cousin has already broken out in a fit of laughter, limbs splayed all over your bed as he tries to avoid the glare you're directing at him.

"You just wanted to shove it in my face that you and Benkei are still sought after by girls even after highschool. You're such an attention whore, it's unbelievable." You scoff lightheartedly, enjoying the chuckles leaving your cousin who merely shrugs at your words, a smirk on his face.

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