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Removing his hands from your face, you can't help but let out a giggle with every kiss he presses against your face, your arms unconsciously wrapping around his neck as you feel yourself falling on top of him, giggling as you do so when you hear him yelp against your lips.

He continues to kiss you, lips pressed against yours which leaves you breathless.

You can feel every touch he places on your body, fingers trailing up and down your back while you straddle his waist, your hands planted on each side of his head as you feel him gently pull away, head turning to the side when you try to give him another kiss. It leaves you pouting, hands clutching his shirt as you give his cheeks a few pecks while he shakes his head, giggling to himself as he cups your cheeks, pushing your face away from him.

"Lovely star, my dear star... we can't." He giggles out, eyes crinkling into crescents as he boops your nose which makes you furrow your brows in frustration.

Huffing, you watch as he sits up from the couch, his thumb starting to caress your cheek as he gives you another kiss on the edge of your lips. "You need to go, my star..." he whispers against your ear, his breath tickling your skin.

"Go where-"

"You need to wake up, my star. The kids are waiting for you. You can't stay here with me forever." Furrowing your brows, you shake your head at him, eyes squeezing shut when your head starts to ache.

Rubbing your temples, you face Shinichiro, about to ask him to help you but as you open your eyes, you're met with thin air, the headache intensifying the moment you're made aware of his absence.

"Shin-Shinichiro?! Where are you?!" Stumbling to your feet, you make your way to the door, shaking hands quickly turning the knob but then, just as you open the door, you feel yourself fall.


Gasping out, you sit up from the couch, chest heaving as you try to breathe in as much air, your lungs burning while your head spins, unable to focus on anything with your blurry vision.

Your hand grips onto your hair as you rest your head on your hands, hunching over as you seat on the couch. Squeezing your eyes shut, you can feel the tears prickling your eyes but you wipe them away, chest still heaving as you try to calm your heart.

For a few more seconds, you slowly feel yourself start to calm down, sight stabilising now that you're aware of your surroundings.

Squeezing your eyes shut once more, a tired chuckle leaves your lips, mouth dry from the dream that you just had.

"You can't do this to me, Shin... can't keep visiting me in my dreams... that's just not fair." You speak to no one, body slumping against the couch as you look around the break room that's been in use for merely a week ever since you've opened up the shop by yourself.

Closing your eyes, a sigh leaves your lips when you feel a tingle running up your arm. Like a ghost of a fingertip trailing up your skin, subtly tracing patterns on it before disappearing.

Ever since you opened up the shop after almost a year of it being abandoned, you've been getting these dreams about Shinichiro. Whether you're sleeping at home or taking a nap here in the breakroom, you always see Shinichiro in them. And everytime, he tells you to wake up, to live on, to keep going.

It had driven you to tears the first time you experienced it. Making you visit Shinichiro in the late hours of the night just so that you can clear your mind and talk to him. But after it's become a usual occurrence when you rest your eyes, you've grown used to it. Now, you mostly just wake up in a cold sweat, unable to breathe for a few seconds before you regain your composure. Or if the dream feels a little to real, you end up crying for a few seconds, finding yourself talking to him as you hold onto the necklace that you've started wearing everyday.

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