Bonus Chapter I

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"Where are we going, Draken-kun?" Takemichi asks the taller blond, a little skeptical with where he's been led to since he's sure that this street leads to where the brothels and bars are. Looking around, his ears can't help but heat up when he recognizes the same building that he ran out of that one time he traveled back into the past only to find Emma straddling him.

Unconsciously placing a hand on his cheek, he shudders at the memory, phantom pain seeping into his skin.

"You said that you needed that box that Mikey's asking for, right? It's probably in my room right now. Y/N-nee said that she'll bring it out today once she's not busy." Draken mumbles out, a sigh leaving his lips when he sees the entrance to his house, an irritated look making its way to his face when he sees the smirk on one of his 'housemates' face. "Don't mind any of the girls in the building tho-"

"Oh Kenny! I didn't think that you'll be bringing in a customer~! My, and what a cute boy too!" Aki exclaims, the fake smile on her face immediately flustering Takemichi who can only stutter out a bashful thanks, completely eating up every compliment that slips out of Aki's perfectly tinted lips. Without waiting for any response from any of the boys, Aki gently pulls Takemichi to her side, perfectly manicured nails lightly grazing against Takemichi's neck as Aki points towards the hallway. "If you're interested, there's a really pretty girl waiting for you down the hall~ Just take a right, 2nd door to the left and you'll be met with a wild surprise~"

Just like that, Takemichi is sent stumbling on his feet, unaware of Draken's annoyed look being sent to Aki who can only grin at her quick work with Takemichi.

"You shouldn't be making a fool out of my friends-"

"Oh shush, Kenny. He's already a fool to begin with~ Just let him enjoy a little, who knows, he might enjoy what he sees." Clapping her hands, Aki gestures towards the counter. "Now help us with something, we've been waiting for you to come home and help."

With one last look towards where Takemichi disappeared off to, Draken lets out a sigh, hoping that his friend won't get himself into any trouble in the short amount of time that he'll be unsupervised.


With a completely dazed and care-free look on his face, Takemichi cluelessly opens one of the doors that he passed through, a blush immediately overtaking his face when he sees the girl in front of him, her back turned to him as she continues to place something on the table.

"Oh, you're here already? That's good, I was waiting for you. I wanted to show you just what I brought, teach you how to use it, y'know?" The girl starts talking which makes Takemichi's blush worsen.

He didn't think that the situation would move this fast.

He hasn't even told her his name, but she's already starting the roleplay. Takemichi can't help but gulp, eyes following her every move as she starts taking off her black jacket which he's just now starting to realize that it looks a lot like a gang jacket.

Is he going to be in some kind of rival gang roleplay?!

Is this gonna be some kind of forbidden love trope?!

He's not ready for this. But he can't just back out, right? That'll be so rude to Draken who prepared all of this for him...

Such a good friend, Draken.

So, making quick work with himself, Takemichi starts removing his shirt, fingers quickly fiddling with his belt and trying his best to quickly take off his pants while the lets out a sigh, as if getting impatient. "I'm sorry, let me just remove my pants-"

"What the fuck are you doing, Takemichi?"

Jumping in his place, Takemichi almost falls over due to his pants barely up his thighs, his eyes darting over to Draken who's watching him with a very deadpan look, his arms crossed over his chest as he stares down at his friend who is still fumbling with his pants.

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