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Months after Emma first arrived in the Sano household, you and Shinichiro finally managed to go back to your usual routine. With you being able to sleep in his room again though not without having Mikey and Emma burst into your room before bedtime and as soon as they wake up which often leads to the two of you drowsily stumbling out of bed to get ready for the morning that should've came at least half an hour later.

Thankfully, the two kids have not walked in on something that will scar their innocence.

Grey smoke wafts towards you as you look around the corner, the heavy scent leading you right to your boyfriend who's leaning against the walls of your university, bike parked in front of him as he takes out his phone, probably to text you that he's here.

He looks absolutely stunning even with only a white shirt and dirtied jeans. Probably since he was working in his shop all day while waiting for you to finish for the day. His signature chain also hangs by his neck while his hair - you've finally managed to convince him that he looks good even without him styling his hair into an updo - sways due to the wind picking up.


Turning around to face you, your boyfriend offers you a wide grin, arms opening up in order to pull you into a hug, cigarette carefully placed between his pointer and middle finger as he pulls you in, giving you a kiss on the cheek along with his hand going to your waist and squeezing it a bit. "Hey there beautiful, I was just about to text you." He murmurs against your hair as he tries to hug you longer even though you've already let go since the two of you are still by your school. You can still smell the cigarette as you turn towards him, returning the kiss that he gave you earlier.

"Our prof let us out early and I told the others that Manjiro needed me so Haki and the others told me that they'll just make me go out with them another day." You explain, laughing a little when you see fear cross Shinichiro's face at the mention of your friends.

He never seemed to fully warm up to them and you can't really blame him since Yui is the only one who actually stopped with her 'threats' towards your boyfriend while the other two only made their threats a little friendlier, if you can call it that.

"That's great then 'cause the kids are all waiting at the shop. Mikey had all of his friends visit him at the shop and damn, you'd think he'd only have Baji but there's like a dozen kids in there. Who knew my brother was that friendly?" Shinichiro muses as he leads you to his bike, handing you your helmet as usual. "You wanna drive today or nah?" He dangles the keys in front of you, eyebrows raised a little as he gives you an expectant look.

Ever since you got your license a few months ago, he's been trying to get you to drive more and even offered to get you a bike of your own though you declined since you don't really need your own motorcycle due to you always having Shinichiro or the rest of the Black Dragon members offering you their bikes when you need it.

"You can drive for today, I'm too tired."

Humming Shinichiro proceeds to start up the engine while you take your usual seat behind him, arms comfortably wrapped around his waist. After checking that you're ready, Shinichiro starts to drive off towards the bike shop that he bought from his retired boss only three months ago.

It's not his dream shop, the building's old, ventilation breaking every few weeks and it's a little out of the busy street which makes it hard for people to locate but it's something to start on. Shinichiro had worked in that shop ever since he got into highschool, telling you about his promise with the old man that was his boss that the man will let Shinichiro take over if he proves himself to be responsible enough with the shop and thankfully, after three years, his boss finally let him have the shop with barely half of the original price of the shop.

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