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"Then he said that he's handsome and that I should try to not fall in love with him." Emma finishes off the story just as you arrived home, bike parked right by the gates as you let out a chuckle.

Helping her off of the motorcycle, you hand her some of the lighter plastic bags before taking the rest and walking back inside with Emma beside you. "Well, Shinichiro is a bit of a weirdo, I'll be honest, but I'm sure that you'll grow to enjoy his company. I mean, I did." You tell her which makes the curiosity grow in the little girl.

"You didn't like him at first?"

Shaking your head, you let her enter the house first, fixing the shoes by the doorway before heading inside as well. "I hated Shinichiro when I first met him. I was planning on ignoring him for the rest of the year that he was my classmate but then he just started pestering me and before I know it, I couldn't go a single day without him-"

"I see that you're talking about me." Turning around, you're met with Shinichiro leaning on the doorway of the kitchen, a smug smirk on his lips as he gives you a wink.

"Gross." You hear Emma whisper under her breath as she sets down the plastic bags on the table. Chuckling at her exclamation, you put the plastic bags on the table as well before motioning for Emma to go out for a bit.

"Go ahead, Emma, you can walk around the house for a bit before grandpa announces lunch break for his students. Shin and I will fix lunch, okay?" Nodding, Emma gives you one final look before walking out of the house, blond ponytail swishing.

Once Emma's out of the house, Shinichiro closes the door and starts helping you in the kitchen. "I see that Emma's gotten close to you already." He points out as he places the chicken on a plate, along with the sauces and other side dishes. "I'd be suspicious if I didn't already know that you're unnaturally good with kids."

Rolling your eyes, you lightly bump his hip with yours as you pass by to get some glasses. "She's a really sweet girl, I'm glad that she's already warming up to me though I'm sure she has a lot more to unpack in the future."

Turning around after setting the glasses down, you almost jump when you see Shinichiro only a few inches from you, his hands automatically making their way to your waist in order to pull you closer. Dark eyes staring right at you as he gently smiles at you. "We'll help her adjust to her new life here. I'm sure that if we just do our best to help Emma, she'll learn to love it here."

Times like these, when Shinichiro gets serious, you're reminded by just how much you love him.

And as much as you enjoy him being goofy, it's always been his caring personality that made you fall in love with him.

All those years ago, after so much time spent together in order to prove himself to you, you're glad that you gave him a chance.

"With you as their older brother, I'm sure that they'll love it here." Pressing your lips against his, tingles explode in your body when you feel him pulling you closer, calloused hands making their way to your cheeks.

You feel him lick your lower lip, asking for permission and you give it to him, lips parting a little as the kiss deepens, the heat from his body transferring to yours as you feel yourself slightly getting pushed against the table, the back of your thighs making contact with the hard wood.

Gripping onto his shoulders, you're about to run your hands through his hair as he's pulling you closer to him but then, the door opens, grandpa's voice making the both of you jump away from each other. Your ears burn so much from embarrassment that you can't help but stare at your feet.

"As much as I support your relationship, I really wish that I won't be seeing the two of you getting intimate in the kitchen. God forbid the kids walk in on this." Grandpa says as he walks over to his chair, chuckling at the end when he sees both of his grandkids' flustered looks. "Well then, let's have lunch. One of you call the kids-"

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