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After a few minutes of trying to calm your friends down and convincing them to not follow you and Shinichiro around, the two of you have finally started on your walk home with the dark haired male nervously looking around, trying his best to think of how he'll be starting this conversation with you without screwing it up the moment he opens his mouth.

The silence feels a little unnerving.

Having Shinichiro walk beside you without rambling about some random thing going through his head feels weird.

He's never had a problem with speaking his mind but judging from his sweating form, you think that he might be a little nervous with what he's about to tell you which also makes you feel nervous.

Taking a deep breath, you decide that you might as well get this over with since the awkwardness might just suffocate you to death. "Sano, what did you want to tell me?"

Shinichiro flinches the moment he hears your voice, startled out of his deep thoughts as he's forced to look at you.

Offering a sheepish smile, Shinichiro scratches the back of his neck. "Uh... do you want to get something to eat first?"

"Is that really necessary?"

"Please?" He breathes out, sounding so desperate after letting his head fall, eyes casted to the ground.

The sight is awfully sad and it makes you want to look away just so that you won't have to see him looking so down. It reminds you of a certain blond kid who also has such irresistible puppy-dog eyes that makes you give in to his every request.

A sigh leaves your mouth when you find yourself nodding. "Fine, where do you want to eat?"

Just like that, you find yourself gently being dragged towards the busy streets of Shibuya with Shinichiro eagerly looking around the stalls before settling for the crepe stall. Turning to you, he gives you another sheepish smile while asking for what kind of crepe you'd want.

"Strawberry one is fine."

Nodding at that, he quickly gets lost in the crowd while you wait by the sidewalk, hands gripping onto the strap of your bag as you think about what you got yourself into.

You should have just told Haki that you wanted to be Akashi's partner. Things will be easier if you did. You won't have to be thinking about what to do when dance practice starts. Nor do you have to be nervously waiting around for Shinichiro to bring the crepe just for some awkward conversation to start.

Turning back, you check where Shinichiro is and see that he's at least five minutes away from getting his order taken so you decide to take out the music sheets that you've been working on.

Shuffling around the papers, you lightly look them over before taking out a pencil so that you can write some tunes that you want to try once you get home.

Too caught up in your task, you don't realize the dark haired boy making his way to you, nor do you realize said boy looking over your shoulder to check what you're writing about. "What's that for?"

Jumping a few inches away from him, you're just about to hit him, pencil ready to be thrown when you feel him almost shoving the crepe to your face, the snack only a centimetre away from your nose. "It's just me!"

Lowering your 'weapons', you silently put them back in your bag before taking the treat from him. "Sorry about that, you startled me."

Nodding, Shinichiro starts walking beside you, the two of you wandering around the street while eating. "It's fine, you just looked so focused that I couldn't help myself... you looked..."

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