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a/n: ending thsi year with a happy ish cliffhanger! yayyyy~ this is officially the last chapter for your babies this year! I hope you lovelies enjoy your new year! <3


After your graduation, life seems to have settled down after your parents have both gone back to working across the country, though you're not quite sure why they promised to come back exactly five months after.

They never let you know beforehand when they come back since they never know when they'll be free from work. But still, you're not complaining. Maybe they're only planning on finally trying to spend more time with you now that you're an adult and they won't need to work as much since you're finally done with school.

In the month that you've graduated, you have started working for Sara's mother while simultaneously helping Shinichiro keep the new shop a secret from the kids just so that the two of you can have a big surprise for Manjiro's birthday. It's been something that the two of you have been planning for so long before the shop was even bought.

Ever since Manjiro and his friends created Tokyo Manji Gang, the two of you have thought of making Manjiro his own bike since he's been using the old scooter that you used a few years back. And because you've seen just how happy Izana got when Shinichiro gifted him his own bike a few months prior to buying the new shop. Ever since Izana got his own bike, he's been sneaking out of the orphanage every now and then just to visit, which makes you so happy, seeing him hanging around the shop whenever the other kids aren't there. And though you're not quite happy with him sneaking out, it still does put a smile on your face whenever he'd offer to take either of you out on a ride to show off his driving skills.

But putting all of that aside, even with the very busy months that the two of you had which leaves both of you aching to your bones, it seems that Shinichiro is still not tired from the day's work, judging from his lips continuously trailing up and down you neck to your shoulder as you try your best to go back to sleep after being rudely awoken by his kisses. You can also feel his hands starting to roam your stomach and thighs which finally breaks you from your silence.

"Can I help you, Mr. Horny Pants?" You grumble as you turn around in order to face him when you hear him breathe out a chuckle.

"Oh you can. You can help me out very much." Pulling you closer, he starts to trace shapes on your thighs, fingers barely moving closer to your core as he starts kissing up your neck again.

And as much as you want to indulge him in this little endeavor of his, it is still in the middle of the night, with the kids' room right next to yours and you're far too tired to actually stay awake which will undoubtedly make Shinichiro all sad if he ever catches you falling asleep while in the middle of it. Which is why you can't help but push his hands away. "Shin, I'm tired. Can't this wait till tomorrow?"

Feeling his pout pressing against your neck, you decide to roll over once more, this time, on top of him with your legs caging his hips as you feel him right under you which elicits a moan from him, his hands making their way to your hips to still your body against his as he looks up to you. "I don't know if this is your way of trying to convince me to continue this tomorrow or if you're trying to torture my dick."

Huffing out a small laugh, you shake your head before resting it on his chest, hands making their way to his hair to play with it, maybe to help him with falling asleep. "It's both. I'm convincing you through torture."

By now, you can feel your conscience flickering, eyes unconsciously staying closed for a few more seconds than normal as you feel yourself fall into dreamland with every blink you make.

Unconsciously, you shift on top of him which makes his hand tightly grip onto your waist again which in turn shocks you awake for a little. "Don't move too much. I'll burst if you do." He hisses against your ear as his hips buck up against you.

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