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After you've contacted Wakasa, you're surprised to find him not driving you back to his apartment but into the gym that he owns with Benkei. "What are we doing here? I thought that you close early during the weekdays?" You follow him inside the facility, greeting Benkei who's busy looking over some papers by the couch, barely looking up from his work as he gives you a nod and wave.

"You seemed a little tense. Thought you'd want to loosen up a little before going to sleep for the night." Tossing you a pair of boxing gloves, he nods over at the changing rooms at the back. "You should go change and warm up a little so we can start."

Accepting the gloves, you shrug your shoulders.

Might as well get all this frustrations out.

So, after what seems to be ten minutes of warming up your body, you're now being yelled at by Wakasa as you punch and kick the punching bag, your brows furrowing every time you'd kick the sand-filled bag. "C'mon! You can kick harder than that! Channel your anger! Punch him in the face! Kick his ass!" Wakasa barks out, hands steadying the heavy bag that keeps on swinging around with every contact that you make which elicits a laugh from the white haired man that almost sounds maniacal.

This goes on for a few more minutes which catches Benkei's attention from the couch, his gaze now trained on the both of you who are now moving onto some one on one boxing training. The two moving around the ring at a speed that almost worries Benkei, afraid that either of you will accidentally hit each other and cause some injuries. Especially after he noticed just how hard you're punching the targets on Wakasa's hands.

Taking out his phone, Benkei quickly dials Shinichiro's number, fingers tapping on his thigh as he waits for your boyfriend to pick up.

It takes a couple of rings before he can finally hear Shinichiro's voice, sounding a little strained and tired though that can just be blamed on how late it is right now. His former leader was probably asleep.

"Benkei? Why're you calling? Did something happen?" Shinichiro whispers onto the receiver, making sure to not wake up the kids who are now sleeping on your side of the bed.

Continuing to watch the two of you, Benkei chews on his bottom lip when he hears Wakasa let out a pained groan after a particularly hard punch from you. "Nothing... just wanted to ask if you and Y/N... maybe had a... fight? Or something like that."

Shuffling can be heard from the other side as he watches you smirk at Wakasa after your cousin called for a time out. "Why? What happened? Is she at the gym right now?"

Taking a big gulp, Benkei unconsciously winces when you kick one of the punching bags hung by the wall, the heavy 100 pound punching bag that he uses to train the more experienced gym goers. It makes the tan male suck in a deep breath when you do a double kick which makes the bag swing around like some kind of car accessory. "Oh she's at the gym alright. She's completely obliterating the punching bags and Wakasa."


"Indeed. You screwed up big time, man."

"I know that, Benkei." He can practically see his leader roll his eyes through the phone which puts a satisfied smile on his face, always glad to bring in a little inconvenience to his friends. "Just let me sleep, I need to be ready for tomorrow. Gotta make things right."

"Yeah, you go do that, Shin. Good luck." And with that, Benkei puts his phone back on the table, sympathy and amusement putting a smile on his face as he tries to go back to finishing up his side of the paperwork while listening in on the heavy sounds coming from you kicking and punching the targets, along with the occasional pained grunts from his co-owner.

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