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After preparing a bowl of ramen for you, Shinichiro takes out a few bottles of beer from the fridge and places it in the middle of the table. "You don't have classes tomorrow right?" He asks while opening up a can.

"Shin, it's almost midnight, even if I don't have classes tomorrow, we still have things to do."

"A couple of cans won't hurt, right?"

You can't help but give in when he quirks his head to the side, a smile plastered on his face, knowing how you'll easily comply with his request.

A cheer escapes his lips when he hears you groan in defeat, already slurping up the soup in order to satisfy the hunger in your belly. Handing you a can, you raise it up in 'thanks' and take a sip. "So you were telling Emma about how we started dating?" Shinichiro starts, a grin on his face as he leans on the table, face getting a little closer as he does so. "You told her about all our dates?"

Shaking your head, you chew on the noodles for a bit before replying. "Only the first. We have too many dates to tell her in a single night and she's already fallen asleep by the time I finished."

"True... I still can't believe our first date went so well though. I didn't think I'd pull it off since I was so nervous and beaten." A snort leaves his lips when he sees you roll your eyes.

"You wouldn't have remained beaten if you'd told me first about what Waka did. Can't believe I had to hear it from Manjiro of all people. He was like 'Y/N Y/N! Your cousin was so cool! He kicked Shin-nii right in the gut, then had this cool speech and then he looked at me and walked off coolly!'" You imitate Manjiro's face which makes Shinichiro choke on his beer.

"Well what was I supposed to tell you? 'Hey, your cousin came last night and beat me up real bad, my whole stomach is bruised but anyways, I'll pick you up at 9.' I don't think our date would've happened still if I told you." Shinichiro takes another chug from his beer, wiping the side of his lips when he feels the beer slip past his lips and down his chin.

Pointing your chopsticks at him, you raise a challenging brow. "If I told you that I would've volunteered to take care of you the next day and just moved the date a few days after, would you have told me about it?"

At your question, Shinichiro rolls his eyes at you, fist rapping on the table which makes you put your finger against your lips, signalling for him to be quiet since the others are already sleeping. Ceasing the banging on the table, Shinichiro places his finger under your chin to make you look up at him. "If I knew that before, I would've called you the minute Wakasa raised his leg and kicked me. I would've told you about it while Wakasa was still beating me up. I would've told Wakasa to kick me harder and maybe punch me in the face too. It would've all been worth it." He says it with such a blissed out expression that it makes you grimace.

"Cut that out, don't say that with such a happy expression."

A snort leaves his mouth. "You don't like seeing me happy, my love? You don't want your beloved enjoying life with you? Eating ramen and drinking beer in the middle of the night while we reminisce about our past?" He pouts, resting his cheek on the table while staring up at you. All the while, his hand creeps towards you, trying his best to get a hold of your own hand which you immediately move away from him, tightly gripping onto your bowl as he continues to try and get ahold of you.

He whines.

"It's not that. I just don't like seeing you say that you would've asked my cousin to beat you up so badly that you would've been forced to be on bed rest. I'd rather my future boyfriend of that time wasn't beaten badly by my own family since that would've been a red flag."

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