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a/n: I know I said that angst will be less now... but this is all part of the healing process. TRUST ME <3


Setting your bags down, a lighthearted smile makes its way to your lips as you turn around in order to give Manjiro, Emma and Wakasa a hug before you go.

"Thank you again, Waka, for looking after the shop for a few days." You mumble as he pulls you in a hug. "It'll only be for a few days then I'll be back." He nods at your words, even giving you a playful eye roll.

"It's nothing. You know I'd do anything to help you." He says before stepping back in order to let the kids have a go.

By now, after what seems to be years, Manjiro is now as tall as you. Give or take, a few inches taller while Emma has grown into a beautiful teenager.

You can't help but be proud of your babies, the two of them growing up and enjoying life as much as they can with their friends. It seems as if throughout the years, you managed to slowly make things better.

With Kazutora and Keisuke now opening up to you once more like how they did when they were children, along with Manjiro slowly starting to forgive Kazutora.

It took awhile, it took a lot of time to talk to each other, listening to everyone's thoughts. But in the end, watching everyone start to know what they want in life, it feels like things are really getting better. Now, the only one left are Izana and Kakucho...

It's been a year since you last saw Izana.

Ever since he decided to run away and leave Kakucho behind.

You've been staying connected with Kakucho, hoping that the two of you will be able to get a hold of him, but alas, neither of you has had any luck. The only thing that's giving you hope about the situation is that you know that Kakucho is still in contact with Izana even though Kakucho has sworn to never tell you where Izana is due to a promise.

Which is why you've taken it upon yourself for the past year to personally look for him as much as you can, hoping that you'll find him in the streets of Yokohama or maybe even Shibuya.

"Bye bye, see you soon, remember to bring me something!" Manjiro enthusiastically cries out before throwing himself at you, followed by Emma who rolls her eyes at her older brother before joining in on the hug.

"Always be safe, Y/N-nee." She whispers against your ear as she buries her face on your shoulder, hands gripping onto your shirt before letting you go as soon as Manjiro starts talking.

Waving his hand, he gestures for you to turn around. "The others wanted to say bye too before you go." Turning around, you're met with the sight of Mitsuya, Draken and Keisuke, unfortunately, there's no Pah-chin due to the recent gang fight that they had. You still can't believe that that happened, but now, you can't really do anything about it.

You've already scolded all of them. Talked to them about the things that they should and shouldn't do. Told them of the possible risks if they continue getting into such serious fights but you're not entirely sure if they're actually taking your words into account since from what you're hearing now, they still have another fight with the same gang later this evening.

"Just please, make sure that you're all safe, okay? No more going to jail. No stabbing someone. Just go for the old fashion fist fights when the 1st Gen Black Dragon was still going on. Just fist fights. And remember to call me if something happens. Or maybe call Wakasa." You remind them one last time now that the other three members are in front of you.

With flushed faces, the four teenage boys all nod at your words while Emma starts to head for the backroom of the shop. "Anyways, I need to go, the train is about to leave." Ruffling their hairs one by one, you bid them all goodbye before picking up your bags and starting to walk out only to be stopped by Draken.

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