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"Here, you can wear this!" Manjiro gives you a new pair of slippers as he balances the lollipop that you gave him between his lips.

Changing your slippers, you proceed to follow Manjiro to the dojo where you first met his grandpa, minding the kids in the room who seem to be preparing for their morning training. You offer them a smile when you pass them by on your way to what seems to be grandpa's office.

Peeking inside the room, Manjiro greets his grandpa before fully opening the door and letting you in. You whisper your thanks to Manjiro who runs off to change into his uniform for his own training,

Looking up from what seems to be a book, grandpa's lips turn into a smile at the sight of you. "Ah, I'm glad you're here. Perfect timing too, morning training is just about to start for the weekend. Gonna be a little busy." Grandpa stands up from his seat behind the desk, the book in his hand gently being handed to you. "As we talked about the other day, you'll mostly just keep track of the logbooks, payments and schedules so that it doesn't get hectic around here with the new students." Opening the book in your hand, he starts pointing at the pages with different names and times. "This logbook is quite a mess but it has all the names of the students and their schedules, when their training starts and what kind of training they need. I'm not quite specific with how it should look so do what you please. As long as you can keep track of all of them properly, then I don't mind if you design it or anything."

Nodding at all of them, you make sure to skim the little labels on top, noting off what you'll do with the logbook later when you have free time. Following grandpa, you give Manjiro a little wave when you see him enthusiastically wave at you from the main training room, already in his white uniform.

"That's all you have to do for this morning. There's a logbook by the door where the students write their names for the day, you can use that later. And after lunch, I can tell you about the payments." Tucking the book under your arm, you follow grandpa into the training room, his students immediately greeting him as soon as he steps in.

You can't help but be amazed at the uniformed kids who are already getting into their places while grandpa gives you his final instructions. "You can walk around the place for a bit, know where the equipment is and see the spare books in my office. I left some money on the desk that you can use to buy things that you may need while working. And lastly, 1,800 yen per hour, just like what we talked about."

A huge grin can't help btu appear on your face as you nod one last time as grandpa starts walking back to his students, leaving you alone by the door of the dojo as he starts the class.

"Okay then, familiarize myself with the dojo, know where the equipment and uniforms are, arrange the logbooks, and buy some materials." You list off the things that you need to do as you start walking around the dojo, checking the different closets and numerous training rooms.

After about three hours of arranging the files that you'll be needing for the rest of your stay here and walking around the dojo when you make it to the last training room. Peeking inside, you're met with the sight of Manjiro kicking down a kicking pad held by one of the assistant trainers. Your mouth forms an 'o' as you watch him gracefully land on the ground, wiping off the sweat forming on his forehead before the two of you meet eyes.

In an instant, the focused stare that he has turns into happy slits as he bounds over to you, a wide grin on his face as he throws himself at you. "You came!" Manjiro's voice gets muffled as his face is squished into your stomach, limbs wrapped around you in a hug.

Chuckling, you nod while setting down the notepad that you've been carrying the whole time you've been walking around the dojo. Now that your hands are free, you carefully hoist Manjiro up by his arms so that you can comfortably carry him on your side. "I just finished checking the dojo. I even have some notes." You tell him after silently greeting his trainer who seems to have went out of the room for a little break from training teh energetic blond.

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