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a/n: we all know about shinichiro's 20 rejections right? and i know that a lot of people are joking about shin getting rejected cause wakasa is so handsome but I read a hc about shin being rejected so much because he's such a playboy, flirting with diff girls everyday and I think that that's more likely since he's so charismatic


Sano Shinichiro.

A boy that you've heard so much about ever since you first studied in the same school in your first year of middle school that you practically know everything about him without even having to actually meet him.

From what you heard. He's charismatic and kind. Someone that you'll inevitably like the moment you meet him. But along with that, he's also a flirt. Someone who shamelessly flirts with different girls everyday.

Everyday, another one of your female classmates will enter the classroom, complaining about how much of an asshole Sano Shinichiro is. Flirting with her, asking her out on a date only to see him asking another girl out an hour later.

Due to all of these stories about him, along with actual evidence from your friends who became a 'victim' to his flirtatious acts, you have decided that you will be avoiding him at all cost.

In your third year of middle school when Shinichiro started his flirty acts, you almost joined the same club as him but managed to leave just before signing your name on the form.

First year of high school, you almost got assigned as his tutor for the whole semester but thankfully, a friend of yours volunteered to tutor him. In the end, your friend had run to you, crying her eyes out about how she thought that he was interested in her only to see him flirting with another girl.

After this, during your second year of high school, he almost became your classmate after the teachers tried moving him to another class after finding out that one of the other males in the class was a part of a rival gang and Shinichiro almost got beaten up inside the classroom after he refused to fight. Thankfully, one of your classmates was also a part of the same rival gang and so, Shinichiro was moved to another class. (You don't know why they decided to move Shinichiro when he wasn't even the one who started the fight.)

For three whole years of you avoiding Shinichiro, you managed to luck out on all of them. Never once forced into being in a room with him for longer than 10 minutes. But in those three years that you actively avoided him, it was inevitable for you to not notice the little things about him.

Like how his smiles were always so bright even after getting rejected multiple times in a day. How he never fails to help your teachers out in the hallway even though they always send him to the office for causing trouble by the school's gate during the afternoons. Lastly, no matter how much you run away just from the mere sight of his styled hair, he never fails to smile at you with a matching wave before shouting his greetings at you.

"Good morning!"

"Did you have lunch?"

"Going home already?"

"Let me help you with that."

And everytime you hear him start talking to you, you run the opposite way, hoping that he'll get too distracted to even remember you that day even though your heart is beating like crazy. Cheeks heating up at the mere thought that Sano Shinichiro knows you and greets you almost everyday. It's so unlike how he treats others that you may have let yourself fall for him a little throughout those years.

But alas, you're stubborn.

Even with the growing feelings for him, you still forced yourself to run away.

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