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It's only been four days of practicing the dance with Shinichiro but you can already feel yourself falling for him even harder than you were before.

How could you not?

Shinichiro has been eagerly spending more time with you outside of practice for the past 4 days, much like before, but now, you're actually letting him stay by your side without any complaint.

Every lunch time, he's quick to stick to your side, arm brushing against yours as he bids Akashi goodbye who merely nods at his friend. Watching as Shinichiro excitedly follows you as you walk over to your friends who always makes sure to send the dark haired male a look. You've already scolded them about it, telling them to cut it out and it seemed to have worked. Somewhat.

'Cause at first, they would also whisper a snide remark, loud enough for Shinichiro to hear and you noticed how it would make Shinichiro deflate a little before going back to looking like his usual bubbly and excitable self. And as much as it looked cute, watching him pout a little before starting to cling to you to hide himself from your friends, you have decided that Shinichiro, as much of a playboy he was to your friends and other classmates, he still doesn't deserve these kinds of reaction every time he hangs out with you.

Aside from clinging to you every lunch time, Shinichiro has also made it his responsibility to walk you home every afternoon, insisting that this will be great bonding time for the two of you to get to know each other after you told him that you still had work to do.

Thankfully, Shinichiro agreed to just walk you to the bus stop since he also had some gang meetings that he needed to attend.

You don't know why but you just have a feeling that if Manjiro ever sees Shinichiro with you, there will be some violence involved and you just don't want that to happen. You've only just started hanging out with him, you don't want it to go awry now.

It's barely been a week but having Shinichiro already feels so natural which is why you can't help but feel bad as you stare up at Shinichiro's crestfallen face. Big dark eyes staring down at you, lips barely forming a pout as he tries to make it look like he isn't upset with what you just said.

"I can't walk you to the bus station today?"

It almost sounds like a whine as he continues to stare down at you.

By now, you almost regret informing him about this, not being able to handle having Shinichiro hunching in front of you as he plays with the straps of his bag, deft fingers twirling the straps as he silently mutters. You almost wish that you just left him a note on his desk and dashed out of school just so that you wouldn't have to see him pouting at you. It's too irresistible. "Why not just to the convenience store? Can't I just walk you 'til there?"

Again, you shake your head. "No, Sano. You can't walk me there, I have plans with someone today. I'm going to wait for them here so you can just go ahead, okay?"







It takes him six seconds to finally nod his head, Eyes brightening up while his lips quirk up into a small smile. "Okay then, I guess I'll go. See you tomorrow!" His voice is back to its normal pitch, not whining anymore.

Jogging off, you wave at him as well, glad that he finally started walking away and didn't insist on staying 'cause you don't think Wakasa will appreciate it if he stayed. Your cousin might think that Shinichiro is one of your suitors and scare him off which will only make your dance practices awkward.

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