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After Manjiro leaves you by the gates, you immediately try to shrug the secrets off of your mind as you make your way to the shop to start another rigorous day at work. But as your day goes by, you can't help but think about what Manjiro said. About how Takemichi has specifically told the other kids to not tell you anything about the fight. Along with that, you're also quite curious about the 'in danger' part.

Everything just seems a little too strange to be something that was just made up.

And of course, Kazutora getting out of juvie and keeping it a secret from you also makes you feel a little anxious.

They all just seem to have so many secrets from you and it wouldn't have bothered you all that much if you didn't know that it had something to do with you.

What if they're doing something dangerous?

Something illegal?

Of course, you wouldn't even want to think about any of them doing something like that, not when you tried your best to raise them properly as much as you can as an adult in their life. You'd like to think that they're responsible enough to know to not dabble on illegal things. Especially when there's Draken and Mitsuya keeping the group sane. But alas, your uneasiness only grows the longer you stay inside the shop without any news from any of them.

By now, Manjiro or Keisuke would have sent you a text or called you.

Or even Emma would stop by the shop to ask you for something. Or to ask permission to go out with Draken. But nothing. It's like all of the kids are ignoring you right now.

Letting out a sigh, you finally start cleaning up, finally done with the last of the repairs for this afternoon, mind still full with thoughts of what the kids can be doing that they need to keep it a secret from you.

Sending in a text to the customer to inform them that they can pick up their bike by tomorrow morning, you start to clean up your workspace to prepare for another customer that will be arriving in 30 minutes when suddenly, you receive a call. Walking back to the counter, your anxiety rises when you see Haruchiyo's name.

Immediately, you answer the call, putting the phone against your ear as you lean against the counter. "Haruchiyo, what's wrong?"

All you can hear from the other side is heavy breathing along with some pained grunts and what seems to be metal hitting metal.

It gives you goosebumps, the hair on your arms standing up from the metallic sounds that instantly gives you flashbacks of the horrific night that happened here in the shop a few years ago.

Just the sound alone makes your body thrum with nerves as you wait for anyone to speak into the phone, your fingers tapping on the smooth surface. "Haruchiyo, what's happening-"

"Y/N-nee... I think you need to go here immediately... something's happening... and I don't think we can get out of this in one piece if you don't come..." Haruchiyo finally speaks through the phone, sounding a little breathless and muffled, probably from his mask that he insists on wearing all the time.

Without even thinking about it, you immediately put on Shinichiro's Black Dragon jacket, hand taking out the keys in the pockets before barely closing the shop's door. You're driving off to where Haruchiyo said the fight was taking place as fast as you can. You have half a mind to call Wakasa and ask him to check on the shop once he's free due to your emergency.

It takes you about five minutes before you're parking in front of the junkyard, eyes widening at the sight in front of you.

It seems like there are hundreds of kids just duking it out in the middle of the scrap yard with the exception of some who are standing by the piles of cars on the side.

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