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Packing up your guitar, you lightly wipe off the fingerprints on the glossy wood, checking the strings for the last time before putting it back in your case. "Heading home already?" A fellow senior asks you as he cleans his place as well, a rag on his hand as he wipes off the stands and tables.

Briefly nodding, you sling the case over your shoulder, hand carefully settling the guitar. "Yeah, I still have some homework to do at home. Don't wanna have work piling up since graduation is near. And I also have to cook myself dinner since I'll be alone again for the entire month." Humming at your words, Hikaru opens the door of the club room, shoulder leaning on the wall as he waits for you to exit.

"Isn't that the third time this year? Your parents have been really busy. Don't you get lonely?"

You merely shrug your shoulders as you check for anything that you might forget. Deeming that you've got everything with you, you head out of the room with Hikaru.

"By the way, I haven't been seeing Sano with you lately. Did the two of you break up or something?"

Scrunching your brows together, you lightly slap his shoulder. "What the hell are you talking about? We were never together."

Shrugging his shoulders, he starts walking with you out of the school. "Well, I always saw him with you in school and one time, I also saw the two of you in the night market. It just seems like the two of you are pretty close."

"Please, he's close with every girl in this school. Probably asked everyone out already." Reaching the shoe lockers, you carefully change your shoes while Hikaru does the same. "Besides, how could you think that we were dating when he was still actively flirting and going on dates with other girls? I heard that he even got slapped five times 2 months ago 'cause the girls that he asked out at the time were all cousins or something and found out while they were out shopping for a dress for the said date." You mused which made Hikaru chuckle.

Finally changing into your outdoor shoes, the two of you start walking out of the school, only a few inches apart as you continue to talk about nonsense. "So, does that mean that Sano has no chance with you?"

Rounding a corner, Hikaru asks you a question which makes you raise your brow, thinking about the possibilities in your mind that you had tried so hard to suppress after that talk with the infamous black-haired boy. Turning towards Hikaru, you shrug.

"Well, with how he is right now, I really don't think that I'll even let him ask me out-"

You're cut off when you feel yourself bump into someone. Looking in front of you, you're met with no one but after slightly tilting your head downwards, you're met with the sight of a little blond boy, half-lidded eyes staring right at you as he bows a little. "Sorry, miss. I didn't see you there." The cute boy says while scratching the back of his neck.

"Oh, it's fine. I wasn't looking in the way either." Internally squealing at the cuteness of the child in front of you, you kneel down to his height. "Are you okay? Do you need help or anything?" You ask him after noticing the crumpled paper on his hand with a bunch of scribbles.

"Oh, actually miss. I'd appreciate it if you told me how to get home." Showing you the paper, he points at the scribbles. "My brother wrote the address of his school here but I got lost and now I don't want to go to his school to give him his phone but I can't go home 'cause I forgot the way back."

"Oh no..." Gently taking the paper from him, you read the familiar address of your school written in a handwriting that you feel like you recognize.

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