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"Y/N-nee, you sure you'll be fine on your own?" Emma asks one last time, hand gripping the doorknob as she peeks through the doorway, watching as you tinker with a bike that you got a few days after your encounter with Izana.

You've been keeping yourself busy with it, trying your best to not just up and leave the shop in order to look for Izana since you've been feeling uneasy with what just recently happened with him. You can't quite put your finger on it but his words seemed like they help something much deeper in them, almost like he's saying goodbye to you permanently.

Wiping your hands on your jeans, you give Emma a small smile before nodding your head. "I'm sure, Emma. I promise, I'll catch up in a few minutes. I just really need to finish this before I close up shop today. Besides, we'll have more time later to walk around town since I'll be closing early, right?"

Sighing, Emma nods at you, knowing that she won't be able to keep you out of the shop right now, especially after you started acting weirdly just a couple days ago when you all went to eat at Haruto's. She saw you and Wakasa whispering to each other just as your group was about to leave that night which only made her suspicions even worse about what could have happened to you while they were gone.

"Alrighty then... we'll wait for you by the cemetery..." With one last wave, Emma walks out of the shop, immediately being greeted by her brother.

"So, where's Y/N-nee?" He asks as he waits for Emma to get on his bike.

Wrapping her arms around her brother, Emma can only shake her head. "She said she'll catch up later... I really think that something must be wrong... she's acting real jumping these few days, always like she's expecting something to jump out of the corner or something."

Humming, Manjiro shrugs his shoulders as she starts up the engine, driving the both of them to the cemetery to give Shinichiro a visit. "Well, we won't know unless we ask her."

"You think she'll actually tell us what's wrong?"

"I mean... if we bug her enough she'll eventually cave, won't she? And it's not like she can ever resist me. I'm her favourite, afterall." Manjiro boasts which makes Emma's eye twitch.

Giving her brother a light pinch on his stomach, Emma grins to herself when she sees her brother flinch. "Talk big like that and Shin-nii might just give you a visit to prove you wrong."

"Oh yeah? Well I'm visiting him first, so I already beat him to it!" Manjiro announces before speeding up, leaving Emma a little confused at her brother's answer. It's evident that he didn't entirely get what she meant. But alas, she just lets him be, mind starting to be plagued with thoughts of you and what you must be hiding from them.


Huffing, you finally managed to fix the bike, your back aching from hunching all day, but still, you stand in front of the bike, proud of your work.

Even after years of managing the shop, it always feels like you're just starting to learn the ropes, unable to completely get everything right.

Wiping your hands on your jeans, you check the time, a little surprised that you finished earlier than you thought. Going to the back room, you start cleaning yourself up, washing your hands before changing into some cleaner clothes. You also take your time in brushing your hair, making it look as presentable as can be after a whole morning stuck in the shop.

Deeming yourself presentable enough, you finally close up shop and hop on your bike, already making your way to the cemetery where the two kids ust be waiting for you.

Just as you're making your way to the gates, you see a figure walking out, their hands stuffed in their pockets, looking down as if they're desperately trying to hide their identity from everyone.

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