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"Okay, now for the last exercise, we're just gonna stretch out your arm - yes, like that - then try to wiggle your fingers." Your PT instructs, eyes carefully watching your every move as you focus on moving your limbs though the frustration that's quickly building up is not helping you focus at all.

Noticing your problem, the nurse sighs and gently places a hand on your left arm. "L/N-san, I think that's it for today. It won't do anything good if you force yourself. Let's call this a day, okay?" Sighing, you nod as you watch her pack up her things for the day, your arm falling on your side though you can't quite feel anything on that side even though you've let it harshly fall by itself. "I'll see you again tomorrow, okay? Don't forget to do those exercises when you're free but don't force yourself too much." With one final wave, she exits the shop where you've been keeping yourself busy these past months.

Even though your doctor and the kids have all told you to take it easy these past few months while you're trying to get control on your left arm again, you just can't help but want to at least do something with your time which is why you've decided to open up the shop and focus more on selling merchandise.

Though after witnessing your stubbornness, some of the kids who are more knowledgeable with bikes - Draken, Manjiro and Izana - have offered to help with running the shop in their free time. Mostly when they're out of school because you've finally managed to arrange for everyone to at least go to some summer classes or extra classes just 'cause you couldn't help but worry about their education.

Especially Izana since he told you that he decided to stop going to school ever since he ran away from the orphanage.

So, with some help from your friends, you managed to enrol Izana and Kakucho in a few classes that they seemed to be interested in.

Stretching your back, you make your way to the back room, opting to get yourself something to drink while you wait for the kids to arrive, unaware of the multiple bikes already parked outside.


"You think this is a good idea?" Emma asks her brothers, wariness swimming in her eyes as she eyes up the big box that Izana and Manjiro are both fighting to hold. "I mean, won't it come off as insensitive?"

Pursing his lips, Kakucho crosses his arms, doubt starting to grow in his chest as he thinks about it. Draken does the same though he has an annoyed look on his face as he continues to watch the two brothers snarkily muttering to each other. "Well, we can always just hide it from her for a bit until you deem it a good time to give it to her. It's not like it's gonna break or anything if we keep it with us longer." Draken suggests though he's immediately wishing to retract his statement when his heart almost jumps out of his chest when the box that Izana and Manjiro were supposed to be holding starts falling to the ground.

Everyone frantically tries to get a hold of the falling box, shouts falling out of their lips as the box lands...

In Keisuke's hands.

Simultaneously, everyone lets out a deep sigh, shoulders slumping as Keisuke only grunts, eyebrows furrowed as he glares at the two siblings who are now looking away from the box that they were supposed to take good care of. "Man, it felt like I got shot again..." Keisuke mutters as he carefully hands over the box to Chifuyu and Kazutora. "You two should hold onto that or maybe give it to Mitsuya. I don't think I should be the one holding onto that for too long..."

"Okay, that's it. We need to give it to Y/N-nee right now before we accidentally break it or something. That thing costs a lot of money, we're not about to ruin it." Emma instructs before ushering everyone inside the shop through the back door, unaware of the problem that you're going through in the break room.

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