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a/n: just finished my exams - except for the group ones - which means maybe i'll post more? who knows? i'll be on christmas break soon so who really knows. i might forget how to type during break 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️


"Oh my god!" You gaped, eyes trained on Shinichiro as he holds onto the huge star plush that he won at the shooting booth, the said plush quickly being handed over to you as you squeeze it against your body, arms trying hard to wrap around the huge and soft toy. "Thank you so much!" You try to hug Shinichiro but the plush pushes you back as it makes you bounce off of him.

Giggling, you hold the plush to your side before hugging him once more, your face buried on his chest as you wrap an arm around him, nose pressed against the newly changed shirt that he wore after the two of you changed outfits when you got off the log ride. You can feel his arms wrapping around your form, trying his best to avoid knocking off the plush in your hand as he does so.

After a few more seconds of hugging, the two of you reluctantly let go, face pressed against the plush when you see Shinichiro staring down at you with afond smile on his lips.

You've been on this date for a whole day.

You never thought that he'd take you to a cooking class but he did and you had the best time of your life. Watching him fumble with the different knives and vegetables, tasting your cooking and complimenting you with every one even though it was subpar compared to the old lady's cooking, he never failed to make you feel good about yourself, always making your heart rapidly beat in your chest as he whispers a little joke in the middle of the cooking class. Or when he'd offer you the spoon in his hand, making you taste the sauce or hand feeding you some of the desserts before realizing what he's doing which makes his cheek set ablaze though he'd still continue with feeding you.

Then the two of you drove home to drop off the extra food only to almost get caught by Wakasa which instantly made you feel even more thrilled, glad that your cousin decided to actually respect your wish on him not following the two of you around.

And of course, you spent the rest of the day in the amusement park, with you pulling him along to every ride that caught your eye.

Truly. You might have let yourself run wild in the amusement park. You had forgotten all the nervousness piling up in your body when you saw where Shinichiro had taken you.

You kinda regret it, seeing the fear and shock in Shinichiro's face every time you checked the pictures but still, you can't help but buy them all, always loving the way Shinichiro had held onto you so tightly.

You're not a sadist.

You don't enjoy seeing him in fear or anything like that, but he looks so cute with his arms around you but you just can't help yourself.

And now, he's gotten you a star plushie. Fitting for the occasion since he's just made your dreams come true.

"Y/N, c'mon." Shinichiro gently tugs on your arm, leading the two of you to the lockers to get the bags that you left. "We're going to be late if we don't hurry." He adds when he looks back and sees the confused look on your face.

"Where are we going, Shinichiro?" Opening up the rented locker, you hand him the bags before closing it and handing the key over to a waiting worker.

He quickly holds onto your free hand, leading you two back to the parking lot. "Well, what kind of date will this be if I don't take you out for dinner as well? I can't let you go home hungry, now can I? That'll be such a shame." He chuckles at you, hands lightly ruffling your hair as he puts the bags in the compartment, helping you get on after him so that he can help with the plushie.

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