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"You did it, my star..." Turning around, you can't help but squint as you try to look through the mist in front of you, hoping that you'll finally be able to see something other than the grey curtains that block your sight.

Your hand barely makes contact with the mist, making you feel like you're floating above the clouds as you tentatively take a step forward despite not being able to see the ground.

Looking around, the atmosphere feels like it should be cold, freezing you until there's goosebumps on your skin but despite all of that, you feel perfectly fine.

You feel warm and safe.

Even with the sheer material of the white dress that you're wearing, you feel nothing but warmth engulfing you with every step into the mist.

It feels like you're being protected in someone's arms.

Like you're back in Shinichiro's hold, with his warm hands holding onto yours as he sways the two of you around, humming along to the songs that he likes so much.

Just the thought brings a smile to your face, eyes slowly tearing up as you continue to think about him. Though as you do so, there is no weight on your chest, no painful sting going through your body like it usually did.

Now, it feels... nice.

Being able to think about your love without the pain accompanying it.

Caught up in your memories, you don't realise how the heavy fog has started dissipating, now leaving a thin curtain in front of you.

"My star... I'm glad that you're safe..." Walking closer to the source of the voice, your eyes widen a little when you start to see him, the soft smile on his lips bringing warmth into your body as you slowly start to see him appear before you.

"Shinichiro..." You whisper, unable to believe your eyes as you watch him walk closer to you.

Hesitantly, you bring out your hand, fingers barely brushing against his cheek before it went right through him which makes you let out a surprised gasp. Immediately pulling your hand to your chest, you watch with wide eyes as Shinichiro gives you a small smile. "It seems that you can't touch me just yet, my star... and here I thought that the gods were finally a little kinder to us after all that you've been through." He chuckles at the end as he's finally standing a few inches away from you, face close enough for you to hold but you now know that that's impossible.

"I just... I missed you..." Raising his hand, he licks his lips, dark orbs shaking as he hesitantly lays his hand on your head, a shaky breath leaving him when he doesn't go through you like how you did him.


His hand lays comfortably on your head though you can't quite feel his touch.

It just feels like a light feather placed on your head, but you can still barely feel it.

Which is enough for the both of you.

It's enough.

Even with years of you two being apart.

Slowly petting your hair, you can see tears start brimming his eyes as he finally looks at your face. "I saw everything that you had to go through... and I'm sorry that I wasn't there to help you. I'm sorry that I left you all alone there, dealing with the things that I should've been helping you with... the kids were giving you such a hard time too, I ought to scold them or something, don't you think?"

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