Poppin Bottles

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I made a deal with Satan, at a jacked-up price.

I did the shit for self-preservation, not a new bag and some ice.

It's about to be midnight, and I'm off to the club

My mindset is uptight; ain't no family, no love.

Gotta keep on improvin, keep my eyes toward the sky.

But evil's fast-movin, cheat and steal to get by.

One more time then I'm done, do what I do just to eat.

Trapped in dark with no sun,

My concentration was ruined when my phone pinged with a text from my business partner Logan. I threw down the pen to read:

Logan: Yo, ima need you tonight. Be at the club ASAP!

I walked around my small, depressing apartment covered in half-finished paintings and smoothed out my shiny, burgundy wig, pinning it to my head to keep it in place before I started lacing up my stiletto boots. I took one last glance in the mirror at my made-up face.

"Here we go." I told my reflection.

I dropped my phone and my keys in my bag before draping my black trench coat around my body and slowly strutting out the door to my apartment. I turned in my tracks and hurried back over to my bed to the pen and pad.

Trapped in the dark with no sun, that's why I don't feel complete.

Marshall POV

"Yo, we need another bottle over here." I told the waitress before downing the last shot from the bottle of Bacardi.

My boy Kuniva sat next to me, "Man, you actin a fool. Go the fuck home before you get your ass in trouble."

"Nah man, I'm tryin to get some pussy tonight. There's all kinds of bitches round here tryin to bone."

Some sceevy looking character that had been sniffing around earlier came up to our table to take a seat.

"Yo Em, you still tryin to do that thing?"

"Yeah, yeah man, follow me to the bathroom." I rose wobbly from my chair almost toppling over as my legs already felt like jello.

"Man...I'm getting out of here." Kuniva got up to leave and didn't even dap me up.

It didn't take long to forget about it though. I had already disappointed everyone in my life; I don't give a fuck. I was in too deep.

After I followed dude to the bathroom, I re-entered the club with a fresh baggie full of party favors.


Back to Liz POV

I met up with Logan and some others in the room above the club. The space in the sky had a clear view of all the clubgoers below us through a glass window.

"Our subject is Marshall Mathers AKA Eminem. He's worth millions. We can get all kinds of gold and cash and who knows what else out of this dumb motherfucker."

"Mmm...Eminem. He's fucking hot! His music isn't too bad either." I admitted as I stood in front of the window trying to spot the infamous Slim Shady in the sea of people.

"Yeah well, he looks a bit different now." Logan stood next to me to take in the view. "He's probably so fucked up; he won't even notice anything is missing. Why don't you get down there and make the introductions?"

I made my way downstairs to get a better view of the dude, Eminem, I was trying to set up tonight. Ew, he looked sleepy and pudgy, not at all what I had in mind. Spying on Eminem from afar, his eyes seemed lifeless, and he struck me as mean. Not at all what I was expecting. He should be an easy mark. I used my sexy strut to approach his table and reel him in.

"Oh my God! You're Eminem, right?"

A goofy smile spread across his face, "Yeah that's me baby. Why don't you have a seat? Get comfortable."

I placed myself gracefully in the seat next to him and inched it to his proximity. I calculatedly leaned in, so my cleavage bulged out of my blouse and used the miniature daggers on my fingertips to trace up his thigh.

"You're so fucking hot. I would love to take you home." I placed my hands on his chubby figure as I angled my lips towards his ear to whisper, "You want a hot night?"

"Yup." He chuckled. "Let's get out of here."

"We can go back to my place."

That was even easier than I thought it would be.


Eminem sloppily made his way out to my car and crashed into the passenger's seat seemingly out of it. I pulled onto the highway and focused my eyes to the rearview mirror to catch a glimpse of Logan following two cars behind us. This would be like stealing candy from a baby!

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