Deadbeat Dad

522 20 18

Marshall POV

"Marshall, you're an idiot with these pills!" Porter shouted as I climbed into his SUV.

"Just drive man."

I was trying my best to try and hide the fact that I had relapsed, yet again. Just a few weeks prior, I had ruined Christmas and my daughter's birthday by basically dying in the bathroom. I managed to stay clean for a little bit, but after I had knee surgery, I had a doctor practically stuff a prescription for opiates down my throat. I didn't fill it at first, but I couldn't fight the inevitable.

Denaun took me back to the parking lot of the club with no Mercedes in the lot.


I knew the bitch stole my shit, but it was too humiliating to admit. I told Porter I must have dropped the keys in the club or left them on the table or some shit. For all I knew, that could have been true too. I was too pissed to talk about it, so I just had Denaun drop me off at home and downed some more drugs so I could forget about being such a disappointment to everybody.


Logan told me as he held the watch up to the light, "This is menial. I need you to get inside his house. Learn combinations to the safe and shit. We're missing out on some serious cash. Even if I pawn the Rolex right now, it's only worth around $2000 cuz it's stolen."

"I think this is enough!" I tried reasoning with him. "We already got his chain, his watch and his car! Marshall has enough shit going on, he doesn't need some crazy chick scamming him out of everything he has. I don't wanna do this anymore."

"Marshall?" Logan seemed perplexed. "What, you two on a first name basis now?"

"No, of course not but he's got a problem. I don't want to add to his misery."

"Hey, you said "just one more time" right? Finish this off and then our deal is over."

I felt horrible. I couldn't even look myself in the mirror anymore. When I was a little girl and dreamed of what my life would be like, I never aspired to be a thief. I hated continually living a lie.

"I think our deal already is over Logan. I mean, how much more do you need? I've already made thousands of dollars for you. I pinched over $50,000 out of Yeezy last year and you only gave me $7000 of it. I'm being taken advantage of!"

I sat down on the couch in the center of his penthouse and started taking out the bobby pins which held my wig in place.

"Who pays your rent? Who buys your clothes and your makeup? I bought those Chanel boots you wear all the time. Don't act like you don't benefit from this! Everyone who's involved gets a cut. I had to pay my boys off for watching out for you, I take care of the overhead to the safe house, I pay the bouncers at the club. What? You suddenly have a heart now?" Logan harshly grabbed my face. "Do you want videos of you plastered all over the internet?"

I wanted so bad to tell him that I didn't care. I wanted Logan to just let me go, but I knew it wasn't that easy. I should've never made that tape with him, but how was I to know he would use it to ruin my life?

"Ok. I'll do it." I told him hesitantly. "But it's already fucked up. I'm sure Eminem already figures I'm involved with all his valuables disappearing, I doubt he's going to want to ever hangout with me again."

"But it wasn't you, Liz." He placed Marshall's Rolex in my hands with a slimy laugh, "it was in your car the entire time."

For a moment, I seriously considered just pawning it myself, but I knew I'd get caught up somehow. I had to put my trust in this fake piece of shit Logan; I wish I'd never met him. I wish I'd never gotten myself into so much trouble, but here I am.

After I got home, I took a quick shower in my tiny, gloomy shower stall with four walls that felt like they were closing in on me. The showerhead barely even spritzed a stream of water, but I tried to wash the filth off me. I constantly tried to make myself feel refreshed but couldn't find the answer to what I was searching for. I just knew that I never felt content; I was cutout for so much more than what I had allowed myself to become.

They say life is a gift and to use it wisely.

No more dreams, no more joy, no more hope, so I shyly,

Walk alone in this world, wasn't given a choice.

Being one of the herd, no one likes a fresh voice

I placed my notebook down amidst all my unfinished artwork I was struggling with on the dresser and tried to get some sleep.

Marshall POV

Kim brought the girls over later that day, and I was still groggily, out of it. I laid in bed pretending I was asleep even when I heard my daughters enter the house and turn the TV up full blast.

"Uncle, you getting up? It's already almost three in the afternoon."

"I will, I will. Just give me a minute." I answered from beneath the pillows.

"Go downstairs Laney, I don't like for you to be around him when he's like this." I looked up to open one eye when I heard the annoying, familiar voice of my ex-wife.

Alaina left the room and Kim closed the bedroom door to address me, "Marshall, I know you're fucked up again."

I groaned and rolled onto my back, "Kim, don't start! I'm fine, I went out last night. Give me a couple minutes and I'll get up."

"Yeah right. The girls told me that sometimes you don't get up at all! Could you at least pretend to be a father?" She put her hands on her hips and gave me attitude. "I'm leaving. I'll be back to get them later tonight."


After splashing water on my face and changing clothes, I made my way downstairs where all three of them were sitting around eating pizza. Whitney was only seven years old, so I don't think she understood what was going on with me, but Hailie had turned thirteen in December and Laney was fifteen. They knew all too well that something wasn't right...again.

"Hi Dad, we saved you a slice." Hailie passed the pizza box over to me.

Whitney came up to give me a hug but seemed skittish. It's almost like she's scared of me; I'm such a piece of shit.

"You look terrible." Laney didn't mince words.

"Thanks." I said with sarcasm in my voice.

Hailie was more hopeful, "What do you guys want to do this afternoon? We could go throw the basketball around and maybe Whitney wants to play outside on the swing set."

I spoke with half the slice of pizza stuffed in my mouth, "Nah, I don't wanna go outside. The sun's too bright."

Hailie and Laney exchanged glances.

"Well, maybe we could go downstairs and play video games." Laney suggested.

"Just put a movie on. I don't feel so good." I slouched into the sofa.

I knew my kids were disappointed, but I was powerless. I didn't feel like moving, I just wanted to relax. I had no good or believable excuse for not being a better father right now, my girls ain't dumb. They knew what was up.

I spent most of the movie falling in and out of sleep and getting up to go to the bathroom to down three or four more pills. When I woke up, they were gone. I didn't even realize that my daughters had left. I got up feeling depressed, sorry for myself, and planned on going back to bed. Then my phone lit up with a text.

Liz: Hey! You left something in my car last night!

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