Tomorrow, You're My Girlfriend

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Ramona POV

The days were lonely and boring as Marshall was apparently back in the studio full time. My time basically consisted of sitting on the edge of my bed painting, playing some stupid game on the laptop, and a relaxing bubble bath in between. It was lonesome, but it gave me time to think. I had jumped the gun on confessing my feelings to Marshall. If I was honest with myself, it was probably just the pregnancy hormones making me over emotional. I don't believe that Marshall is the best candidate to be in a relationship with and I refuse to beg someone to love me. If only he wouldn't look so damn sexy lately. And here I am getting more pregnant and puffier by the day.

I can raise this baby on my own! I think Marshall is a great guy, and I would love to be with him that way, but I'm realistic. Marshall visits dozens of cities with a sea of women waiting for him. I could never expect him to have eyes for only me. I didn't want to force it if it wasn't there, but I knew I enjoyed spending time with him. I'm a pregnant woman; I have no business starting a new relationship. Especially a relationship that he doesn't even want to be in.

Marshall and I hadn't had a conversation in five days. I calmed down from the fact that I have a huge crush on him. He probably just kissed me because it was a beautiful moment. I'm sure Marshall kisses lots of girls; I'm just happy he's my baby's father. We can grow together as co-parents and friends.


I was still allowed a few minutes a day that I could be on my feet and took this opportunity to use it to raid the fridge when the pregnant munchies hit. I shuffled down the stairs in fuzzy socks and a baggy sweatsuit, but on my small frame I now sported an obvious pregnant belly. I was reaching up to the top shelf on the pantry when the front door opened and shut. My heart skipped a beat. Was Marshall home early today? I eagerly walked over to the hall attaching the foyer.

"Oh, hi." A younger guy with the same gorgeous blue eyes as Marshall's stood in the foyer and slowly moved closer. "I'm Marshall's younger brother Nate. I have a key. Are you, his girlfriend?"

"Um, I'm his roommate, Ramona

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"Um, I'm his roommate, Ramona." I didn't know how I should answer the question.

"But that's his baby, right?" He bluntly pointed towards my stomach with a smile and my eyes widened. "It's ok. Marshall already told me he was having another kid. I'm happy for ya'll."

"Oh, thank you." I answered at this unplanned introduction.

"Hey, listen, we're having a birthday party for Marshall here in a couple weeks. It's on October seventeenth. It'll just be family. You should definitely be there!"

"Oh, no thank you. I'm supposed to be on bedrest, I have to hobble my way back up to my room right now."

"We could have it here if you want. You could just sit on the couch."

"No, no that's fine. I wouldn't want to ruin Marshall's time with his daughters. You guys enjoy. I'll be fine." I politely declined.

"Ok, suit yourself." Nate told me. "Just make sure not to say anything, it's a surprise."

"I won't. It was nice meeting you." I made my way back up to my room trying to think of something nice I could do for Marshall's birthday.

~8 hours later~

Marshall POV

"Hey Moe! Moe!" I hollered as I carried the bags upstairs and flung open her bedroom door causing it to thud against the wall.

"Marshall! God!" She was startled as she sat on the side of the bed painting.

"Sorry." I entered to stare at the outstanding colorful acrylic painting she was working on of a baby's face with bright eyes wrapped in a blanket. "Moe that's...amazing."

"Thanks." Ramona put her brush down to look at me. "Listen, I wanted to talk to you about the other night. I was wrong to assume that it meant so much more than what it really was."

"Oh! I almost" I reached in the bag to pull out the goodies that I got her. "I gotchu a body pillow since you're so pregnant now."

"Oh, thanks." She gave me a puzzled look as I helped her to lie down and try it out.

"You comfortable? Also, here. I got a heated blanket." I ripped it out of the packaging. "It's gonna start getting cold here soon and I thought you'd like to have it at nighttime."

"That's awesome Marshall. Thank you."

"I talked to the doctor's office today. She'll be here tomorrow again for another checkup, and we can probably find out the sex of the baby. You liked the doctor when you met her, right? She's the one we want for delivery?" I tried to keep rambling as long as possible.

"Yes, she was great."

"Ok. Good."

"Marshall, I want to clear the air."

I didn't want to give her false hope, "Moe, I'm sorry. I don't want to lead you on- "

"No, no really. I understand. It's ok. I was rushing things." She was actually smiling. "Maybe I read too much into it. I understand, you are world famous and have a demanding career. I can't just expect you to drop everything and try to be committed to me. It's fine. It's almost a relief to know that there's no tension between us. We can figure out what's going on after the baby arrives and everyone is healthy. Ya know? Then I'll plan on getting my own place."

"Exactly. No tension. I mean, who knows what could happen? Ya know?" I stopped myself and looked up. "But you're right. Let's just have this baby and then decide what's going on. Good plan. Have a good night."

I hurried my way out the door, so we didn't have to continue this conversation. I'm such a pussy!

I made it to my bedroom and swiftly closed the door. Ramona was getting under my skin; I can't read her. I can't be with her right now. She's probably just vulnerable because she's pregnant with my kid. A girl like that can't be trusted. If we would try being in a relationship, it would go to shit. I know it. 

I was saved by the ring when my phone started blaring in my hand and Laney was on the other end.

"Hey Uncle, sorry I know it's late."

"Nah, that's ok honey, I'm just hanging out. What's up?"

"Well, me and Hailie were just talking, and we decided that it was wrong of us to not at least give Ramona a chance. It seems like she means a lot to you, and we don't want to be immature little teenagers. We want to get to know her because it's gonna be fun to have a new little sibling."

I couldn't help smiling, "Oh Laney that's good to hear, Moe's gonna be so happy. And me too, thanks for giving her a chance. Tomorrow night you girls come over and we'll order some pizzas or something. Have your mom drop you off right after school."

"OK, sounds good. Goodnight, Uncle, love you! See you tomorrow."

"Love you honey."

I smiled as I threw my phone down on my bed, then raced over to Ramona's room to open without knocking once again.

"Moe, we're back on! As of tomorrow night, you're my girlfriend."

A/N: Hey guys! Hope you're enjoying! Let me know what you think. Just a reminder, this story is taking place in 2008 when Laney was 15, Hailie 13, and Whitney 7 -ish...

Thanks for reading!!!!!!!!

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