Just Go with It

365 15 14

Ramona POV

I felt disappointed that Marshall expected me to follow his every order and played with my emotions. I was living in his house and unfortunately the truth was, I couldn't leave if I wanted to. It wasn't the best feeling in the world, but at least I was being taken amazing care of in every way. I would have never had this level of comfort and security doing this on my own in my apartment. I was going to have to put up with Marshall's antics just a little while longer.

This morning I was looking forward to finding out what the sex of the baby is as I had my second appointment from the comfort of Marshall's living room. The doctor put the cool gel on my growing belly and moved the instrument around until she found the heartbeat.

"How's the pregnancy going? Is mom getting enough rest?" Dr. Deibler asked as she measured my stomach. "It's very important for pregnant women to eat lots of fruits and vegetables and drink plenty of water. Also, get plenty of sleep, and lay on your left side at nighttime."

"Oh yes. Marshall makes sure I have everything I need." I smiled over at him, and he winked back.

"There it is. There's a little heartbeat." The doctor smiled at us when we watched our little bean show up on the screen. "Do you want to find out the sex today?"

"Yes!" Marshall and I said in unison.

"Ok." She smiled and moved the doppler lower on my stomach. "It's a girl."

"Oh my God! Another girl!" Marshall collapsed over me into a hug.

"A little girl! We should name her Marsha! Marsha Mathers!"

He laughed at me, "Absolutely not!"

I smiled back, "I'm kidding. We have plenty of time still to choose a name. It's just one more step on the journey."

~~ Later that day...

The journey is beautiful, your touch makes me yearn for a love that burns,

Mistreated, do not give a fuck if it's not my turn

I'll give her the best, make sure you're there at every turn of the way

I know that you'll do your best for her birthday, and take care of her

Believe in our new beginning, I'll give you all of me

I'll give my all to her, protect her, give her this new life, the stars aligned for her

Beautiful baby girl, I am whisked in a whirl of emotion

I see things differently now...

I sat back on my bed and read my outburst of ideas, "I should be Shady's old lady." I muttered to myself.

"Moe, c'mon! They'll be here soon." Marshall distracted me.

I was having trouble being creative lately, so I wanted to write as soon as I was hit with inspiration. Being cooped up with four walls caving in doesn't make for an overflowing of ideas. I closed my notebook to stare up at Marshall standing in my doorway. He was looking so different these days. So mature, and so sexy!

"Hang on! I'm coming!" I mumbled and Marshall turned to hurry down the stairs.

I delicately made it out of bed and flipped my hair as I gawked at my reflection in the mirror. My face looked like it filled out from the pregnancy and my hair was sandy blond and straggly. I finger combed my locks and applied light pink lipstick to help make a good impression this time.

Laney was the first person I bumped into when I came downstairs.

"Oh, hi." I smiled.

"Hi Ramona, nice to meet you. Again."

We both laughed for a second and I could tell things were different this time. There was a warmth to her demeanor as she leaned in closer to me.

"I just wanted to let you know that the way we reacted before had nothing to do with you personally. I don't want you to think that I have any ill will towards you. My only concern is that my uncle is happy. And he seems happy with you."

Marshall walked slowly into the room as he apparently had overheard.

"She makes me very happy." He said as he swirled his arms around my shoulders to hold me with his chest to my back. "And now that she's giving us another little sister, you girls have no choice but to love her too."

"A sister?! Hailie!! I told you it would be a girl!" Laney ran into the kitchen to tell her other sisters.

"What are you doing?" I lowered my voice to Marshall.

"Girlfriend. Just go with it." He pecked my lips.

A ping of anxiety pumped through my veins when I noticed Marshall's other two daughters standing before me as I entered the kitchen.

"Another girl? Aw, I wanted a brother." Hailie smiled. "How are you, Ramona? How's the pregnancy going?"

"Oh, it's ok. I'm tired and swollen all the time, but it's going as smoothly as possible." I answered.

"Good. I wanted to tell you I'm sorry for being such a mean girl the other day." Hailie smiled.

"I understand. It would be a lot to take in for anybody."

Marshall's dynamite, playful smile crept over his lips, "Ok ladies, enough of this girl talk. Food's ready!"

Apparently, Marshall didn't want some big heartfelt conversation and I couldn't have agreed more. We all sat down at the table wondering what that amazing aroma coming from the crockpot was. Marshall entered the dining room with what looked to be a delicious buttery, lemon chicken and he served it over noodles.

Laney seemed shocked, "You cooked for this? No takeout?"

"No. I wanted to cook tonight. Is that, ok?" Marshall asked sarcastically.

The two older girls looked at each other and giggled.

"Here baby." He handed me the first plate.

We ate our dinner together quietly talking about the girl's school and their sports. When they asked what I do, I told them I was an artist because I didn't know what else to say. The vibe in the room was laid back and friendly. I could tell Marshall's daughters accepted me and this baby which was such a relief!

"Oh!" I put my hand on my stomach when I felt the flutter. "Your sister is kicking! Do you wanna feel?"

Little Whitney was the first one to place her hand on my belly, "I feel it!" She smiled.

"Yep, that's your little sister in there. She's gonna be here right after Christmas." Marshall announced and kissed my lips once more.

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