Everyone Has A Sex Tape Nowadays

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Marshall POV

I spent my Monday morning in Ramona's old apartment with Porter trying to pack up the last of Ramona's things. I was to sell the furniture and her car so she would at least have a little nest egg for after she has the baby. She had made a small list for me that basically named art supplies and clothes and a grocery order with mostly fruits and veggies that would be arriving at my home later that day. I was doing everything I could to make Ramona feel like my house was her home.

"The girl got paintings for weeks. She's an amazing artist." Denaun stacked a bunch of Ramona's artworks in a box. "She's got portraits here, she paints animals, there's this one of a sunset..."

"Yeah, I saw that one. I think that's her most recent work." I taped a box with paints and brushes shut. "I'm gonna go get the shit from the bedroom."

I walked back the hall to Ramona's small room where a tiny, lumpy bed lay in a corner. She had crystals hanging all over the wall and a small windchime made of crystals too at her window. Even in Moe's small space, she manages to decorate her surroundings and make it beautiful. The size of Ramona's apartment was the total opposite of how she was living now.

There was a shelf with a couple different wigs hanging on display neatly in a row

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There was a shelf with a couple different wigs hanging on display neatly in a row. I went in her single dresser to grab the clothes she wanted and found some Bombshell bras and tight skirts. Several pairs of stilettos had a place on the floor of her closet. I felt the echo of "Liz" inside this lonesome room. I had almost forgotten the true essence of the woman I was dealing with.

I grabbed the hoodies and sneakers she requested, a jewelry box from the dresser, and what looked to be a photo album from the bed. Porter and I were able to load all the boxes in one swoop and I slid the check for the last rent payment in the landlords' mail slot.

"So, where to?" Porter asked. "Did you hook her up in a better apartment across town?"

"Nah. We're going back to my place."

"Why? You stealing her shit? Evening out the score?" Porter cackled.

I kept my gaze out the window as I answered, "She lives there, man."

"What!? Marshall! You're still right out the gate from getting sober! You can't be starting relationships with crazy bitches already. There's different types of unhealthy relationships. You're gonna get addicted to each other like you can't live without the other."

I shook my head dismissing Denaun's warning, "It's nothing like that dawg. Ramona has preeclampsia. I'm giving her a place to stay, that's it. She has her own room."

"How do you know she's really sick? Marshall, what if she's playing you?"

That honestly never entered my brain.

"It doesn't matter. She's still pregnant with my kid. I feel better knowing she's safe."

Denaun thought for a moment, "Aight man. I can respect that."

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