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6 months later

Ramona POV

My engagement ring glistened in the golden sunlight as I relaxed on the balcony of the hotel Marshall and I were staying at in New Orleans for his performance at The VooDoo Festival. Marshall had asked me to marry him shortly after his trip to New York last winter and I couldn't wait to become his wife. Our relationship had come together more beautifully than I ever have imagined. I trusted that Marshall was committed to only me and our daughter. He is the most wonderful father.

"Hey babe! Moe!" Marshall called from inside our hotel suite with his phone in one hand and Rochelle in the other.

"Yes?" I looked from my laptop.

"Here." He came out to hand me our daughter and a jar of baby food. "Paul talked me into performing at the Grammy's next month in LA."

"Los Angeles? That's perfect because-"

"Exactly, you need to be out there to finish designing Dre's crib anyway." He stole my thoughts. "This way we'll kill two birds with one stone."

"Right. Here baby." I spooned some sweet potatoes into Roe's sweet little mouth.

Marshall sat next to us and rested his feet up on the table, "I got enough recorded, I'm gonna put out another album already. But this one's going to be way better than Relapse. I'm only getting better since I've been sober. My rhymes are more complex, my beats are hot. I wrote a lot of it while you were pregnant with this little one." He wiped Rochelle's mouth then kissed her hair.

"You're putting out another album?"

"Yep. It won't be out until June. I figured like a week or two after our wedding."

I smiled and side-eyed him, "Publicity stunt much?"

He laughed at my insinuating we were only getting married to sell records, "Nah. I just figured that's when you'll be finishing up this decorating job since it's your biggest one yet. Then you and Rochelle can come with me to tour in Europe for a couple weeks over the summer. We've already been through so much together Moe. I just want to keep making good memories together."

That made me excited, "Europe? Really?!"

"Of course! I mean, you've been by my side this entire time I've spent becoming and maintaining sobriety. You and Rochelle keep me grounded. I don't know if you realize this, but you've helped me stay clean. We've always been able to talk and not judge each other and I just want you to be by my side forever, baby. I don't know if I could have done it without you. I can't wait until you're my wife."

He made me blush, "I'm proud of you Marshall. You've been clean for over a year now and I know it wasn't easy for you. You've helped me to believe in myself and open up more. I don't think I could have done it without meeting and being with you either Marshall. You've helped me to grow into the woman I was supposed to be." I gazed at my fiancé' and couldn't stop beaming from ear to ear.

Marshall and I had so much to be thankful for. Both of our world's had transformed since we met, and I was so proud of how far we had come.

Marshall wrapped his arm around me and kissed my cheek, "Moe, when I first met you, you never smiled and when you did, it was fake. You're like a different person now and I'm so grateful I got to be the one to unlock your true self. I don't want you to ever pretend to be someone you're not because you're so beautiful just being you."

A/N: I hoped you enjoyed this story. The ending may seem a bit abrupt, but I feel I've taken this as far as it needs to go. I'm sure I'll be working on something new real soon. Take care, Stans!   

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