Marshall's Homecoming

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Marshall POV

After my week away in New York City, I was finally on my flight home. Everything about my career was going incredible. I had a confidence I had never known before. I was beyond proud to honestly say I had been clean for almost a year. Everything around me was so new...the emotions. I had been too fucked up to even feel feelings for years. Just normal shit around you all day, like the sky being blue. I didn't even used to notice because I was always so caught up in my own bullshit.

Moe was excited too. When I talked to her last night on the phone, she was all giggly and happy. Way different than the depressed mood she had been in when I left. She even got flirty, and we had sexy time over the phone. Moe was all healed from the pregnancy now and back to her old self physically. I can't wait to be with her; I'm gonna blow her fucking mind! Moe made a joke about putting on her red, "Liz" wig and a pair of stilettos for old time's sake and I told her that even though Liz was fun, I've never been with her when she was her true self and that I couldn't wait to be with her for the first time as Moe. She liked that. I was super excited to see her later that night.

This was only gonna be about a two-hour flight. I should be arriving home around dinner time. I sat back and slid my headphones on under my hood.

Ramona POV

The girls and I were finishing preparing the food for Marshall's arrival. We made tacos of course, with all the fixings. His daughter's being there was a surprise. They couldn't stay because they had school the next day, but they could at least have dinner with their dad. They even made a banner that read Welcome Home Dad. Marshall had only been gone for a week, but we all missed him.

"Ok, that's the last of it." I set toppings out on the kitchen island. "I hope he's hungry when he gets home."

"Mona! Watch Rochelle laugh at me!" Whitney giggled from the living room.

Rochelle was swinging in her swing while Whitney made silly faces.

"Aw, so cute. She's been smiling a lot lately." It was a happy day, and I couldn't wait for Marshall to be home.

The front door opened and shut with a thud.

"Uncle! Surprise!" Laney ran over followed by Hailie and Whiteney.

Marshall took his time lovingly greeting each of his daughters before his eyes found mine.

"Tacos!" He smiled as he walked through the kitchen then embraced me and placed a firm kiss on my lips. "I missed you baby."

"I'm glad you're home." I ran my hands up his biceps.

"And here's my little baby." Marshall bent down to Rochelle, and she did her gleeful baby giggle.

I helped to get the baby out of the swing and Marshall cuddled her as we sat around and passed out the plates.

Hailie spoke up, "So dad, do you notice anything different around here?"

"Yeah," he turned to face me. "You redecorated the living room while I was gone?"

"She did the theatre room too! Come see! It's amazing!" Laney grabbed his arm to pull him towards the downstairs.

Marshall handed the baby to Hailie to follow Laney to the lower level and I tagged along to see his reaction. I hoped he loved it as much as everyone else seems to.

"Holy shit, Moe. That's... amazing." He slowly said in awe as he viewed the mural. "You're amazing."

Marshall grabbed me and kissed me deeper this time than he had upstairs.

"I'll just let you two...finish saying hello." Laney awkwardly excused herself.

We both laughed into the kiss after Laney left and I rested my head on Marshall's shoulder as he held me tight.

"I missed this. I missed all of this." He whispered in my ear.

"I missed you too." I gave Marshall one more lingering kiss. "Let's go have tacos!"

"Hell yeah, I'm starved!"

Marshall POV

This was entirely different than how I usually come home from a trip, but I haven't been touring and working like I used to for the past few years. Everything is going perfect with my career. My album is once again, number one and my fans still love me. I can't wait to show them what I'm capable of!

My daughters are happy to see me including my new baby girl. She was so happy to see me; she knows I'm her daddy. And of course, Moe. Moe looked so beautiful, even though she was just in jeans, a flannel, and a pair of boots, she looked fuckin sexy. But that was for later. Right now, I just wanted to enjoy dinner with my family.

"So, Uncle, what do you think of Ramona's painting of the sunset.?" Laney handed me my plate.

"I think it's dope. You should try to start a business as a decorator or something." I told Moe.

"I kinda already have."

I looked at Moe inquisitively.

"When your friend Royce was here the other day-"

"Yeah! They just bought a bigger house." I cut in.

"Right. I guess he liked what he saw, and his wife just called me earlier. I'm supposed to go over there tomorrow to look at the space and then draw up plans, talk about the color scheme, budget. I figured maybe I could work like two or three nights a week."

"We could help watch the baby on the weekend sometimes." Laney chimed in.

My eyes lit up when I thought about all the possibilities, "I have a lot of friends with huge houses. I'm certain I could make your schedule go crazy babe."

We spent our evening together eating our favorite meal with lots of laughing and love. Kim eventually came to pick the girls up and I kissed them goodbye. It made me happy earlier to watch them playing with their baby sister. Rochelle was already getting so big. I was blessed to get another chance to be a great dad to another little girl.

"I'm going to give her a bottle and lay her down for the night." Moe had the baby in her arms when I came in.

"Ok baby." I kissed Moe and then kissed Rochelle's soft face. "Come down here when you're ready. Let's relax and kick back. Like I said, I got a lot to say to you." 

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