Dealing With Real Life

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Marshall POV

I didn't know what the fuck I was doing! Porter and I had that conversation over a week ago and I had written a check out to Ramona Rossi for $200,000 and then tore it up. I stared into space for a good thirty minutes, wrote another check out for $500,000 this time, and then tore it up again.

What kind of price can you put on the life of an innocent unborn child?

I thought about buying Ramona a house right here in Rochester Hills, so she could raise the baby nearby. I considered doing nothing at all and letting her do this on her own like she said she planned to, but that seemed heartless and callous. I honestly thought she would have called me by now asking for something or at least to tell me how the pregnancy was going, but my life involving Ramona had remained silent.


I didn't know why I was driving to Ramona's apartment. I didn't know what I was going to say when I got to see her again. She was a strange bird. A fruitcake, a misfit, a peculiar enigma feeding me lies then disappearing into the night. I had to remember to write that shit down.

Bewilderment overtook me when I mustered up the courage to knock on the door to Ramona's apartment and a scrawny, pale girl with blond straggly hair and a pregnant belly stood before me. I still remembered Liz with stiletto boots and polished burgundy strands of hair framing her face.

"Wassup?" I greeted her and she moved to the side to allow me to enter.

Ramona returned to her station on her couch complete with takeout menus, tissues, prenatal vitamins, two small pillows, and a sketchbook. I got the feeling that she had been spending a lot of time relaxing in this little nook. It was the end of July and the heat in Ramona's apartment was sweltering.

"Why's it so hot in here? Don't you have a window unit or at least a fan?" I took a seat across from her.

"They cutoff my electric last week." Ramona told me, seemingly embarrassed. "I was working at Dairy Queen for a little until I got fired. I was able to get emergency food stamps though. I am now officially a welfare mother." She laid her head back and closed her eyes.

"Watchu get fired for? Stealing money out of the register? Lied on your application?" I sneered.

"No Marshall. I was fired for calling off too often. I was recently diagnosed with preeclampsia."

"Preeclampsia? What the fuck's that?"

"It's a condition that a lot of pregnant women get. It basically means that I have high blood pressure and need to be on bed rest."

Ramona managed to gain just a twinge of sympathy from me when she told me that. I may hate the girl and think she's reckless, but I couldn't leave my unborn child in danger.

I rose to place a hand on her shoulder and felt how overheated her skin was, "Go pack a bag, you're coming with me."

"Marshall, I can't just let you- "

"You got any better offers right now? I can't leave you here in this condition. Just do it quick before I change my mind!"


Thirty minutes later, I was walking this girl I barely knew up the stairs to one of my spare bedrooms. It was the nicest one I had completed with a comfortable queen size bed, and a private bathroom. This way Ramona could relax in air conditioning and not have to worry about food or bills. She could simply focus on taking care of herself and the baby.

I opened the door to reveal what was to be Ramona's new room, "You can have this room, I never use it. You even have your own bathroom."

Ramona's eyes widened when I extended the door to the bathroom, displaying a spacious whirlpool tub brightened with beams of sunlight shining through the window.

"Is it ok if I use the tub?" She stammered.

"Of course. It hardly ever gets used. I'm sure it would be good to relax your nerves." I tried not to smile when I closed the door, making the light in the bedroom dim once more.

"This is cozy." She sat her bag on her new dresser and sat on the bed. "I'm going to lie down for a bit. I'm not supposed to be on my feet for longer than ten minutes a day."


I allowed Ramona the remainder of the afternoon to rest while I caught up on some Sports Center to try to find some comfort of my own. My mind was racing with all the things that needed to be done. Having Ramona right upstairs makes the pregnancy even more real. This is happening! This is now! Paul is gonna freak when he finds out I got the chick staying in my house. I had to do it though, she'd never make it on her own. At least not without overwhelming obstacles surrounding her.

I planned on asking Ramona what her favorite healthy foods were so I could stock up. I wanted to find a doctor that would agree to come straight to the house, so we wouldn't be bothered with the public finding out that I had another kid on the way.

I continued checking on Ramona about every hour or two because I wanted to talk more about anything else she needed, but she was zonked out. The girl must have been exhausted. I'm sure it felt good to be sleeping in a real bed, not a shitty hard couch in the sweltering heat.

I have animosity for this bitch! She stripped me of my dignity! She stole all my personal shit that I had worked so hard for! She preyed on me like a lion pouncing on a weak gazelle! She knew I was addicted to drugs and that made me easy to manipulate. That's why she chose me, I was an easy target. Just one more conquest in her sick, twisted game of manipulation. Everything this bitch ever told me was a lie!

All these thoughts of true hatred swirled in my head as I walked through the hall one last time to check on her before I turned in for the night.

So why does she look so beautiful lying there sleeping peacefully pregnant with my child? 

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